We completed the World War I lapbook from Hands of a Child on Friday. I appreciated having their resource guide. I basically used their guide to teach the material. We listened to Story of the World, watched Sergeant York, and read a few supplementary books as well. This was the first HOAC lapbook that we have completed. We did not do all of the books that were included. The resource guide was well organized and easy to find the answers for the minit books. Some of the instructions for the books were a little confusing. There were a couple we never did figure out. It was worth the price to me to have this done for me because I knew nothing about WWI. The kids still much prefer making their own lapbooks though.
These pictures are of David’s lapbook. Anna made one too, but they’re pretty much the same. I especially like the cover of David’s lapbook. He drew the picture of Snoopy as the WWI Flying Ace and then scanned it and painted it on the computer. Also, we’ve started pasting our minibooks into folders that are not shutterfolded. Then we 3-hole punch the folder and store it in the appropriate notebook.
If anyone is interested in seeing more pictures I’ll take more.

By Kristen H.