We have completed, well almost, week 3 of TOG Year 1. Rather than focus on Egyptian gods, we focused on the 10 plagues and passover. I assigned both of my bigger kids to make a booklet about the 10 plagues. My daughter chose to make a fan book.
It’s a little difficult to see, but you can get the basic idea. I was happy with the effort she put into it. I think she really learned the material.
I’m not super pleased with the way the fan book covers up some of the writing. We used the octagon shaped fan book (fat) available FREE from homeschool share. I did have the foresight to have her use the reverse orientation on the last 5 pages, but I think maybe I should draw a line to mark the end of the readable space. It may just be too many pages for a fan book. Probably a layered flip book would have been a better choice.
My son’s book is still not finished. He is drawing much more elaborate pictures and he paraphrased a lot more of the biblical account for the text of his book. It will be very nice, I just need to encourage him to finish it TODAY.

By Kristen H.
I love the fan book idea. That is great. I hope you post your son's book too.
OH I just love her fan book. Looks great. I think they learn so much more when they have to illustrate .
I have a suggestion If you don't mind me giving one. You mentioned marking in the writing areas.
The Egyptians used lots of Gold. Take a piece of paper and lay out her fan book on it. Take a gold crayon and color on the very edge of each fan blade. You could also go to the craft store and buy some of the fake gems (usually in the bead section) and hot glue them as decoration .
I can not wait to see your sons book.What a clever idea . I am going to check out the web site you mentioned and download a pattern.Thanks so much for sharing.
What a great mini-book. I suppose you could have done a layered book…but the fan book works too. 🙂 I love where she wrote "Frogs everywhere." Too cute!