Motherboard books has a new e-book entitled Let’s Make a Webpage by Phyllis Wheeler. It is recommended for students from 8-12 years old. I was very interested to review this product because I have just completed 2 on-line web design classes. My older son (10 years old) is also very interested in learning to build web sites and has read several books from the library on basic html. So, I first had him read the book and then get to work.
Let’s Make a Webpage uses Coffee Cup software to build the website. There is a free 30-day trial available to use Coffee Cup. It is a necessary component to using this book because the instructions are specifically written for using this software. Coffee cup software is available to purchase for about $50 which is a good price for web building software, but it may be outside the budget of many homeschooling families. However, I think that going through the exercises in this book using the free trial of Coffee Cup software would provide an excellent foundation for using html and other resources for building web pages.
My son was able to read through the book and follow the instructions. The only assistance he needed was in downloading the software. He has built 2 different pages so far. The first is a site that plays music from Charlie Brown Christmas. The second site he built showcases his various animation and film projects he is working on.
I have read through the book and am impressed with the very well-written and easy-to-follow instructions. The topics are covered in a logical order and the text includes lots of screen shots to make the instructions even more clear. I love the way the author demonstrates the wrong way to do things and how to correct them. There is also a section on how to safely use the internet and what types of files should not be downloaded to your computer.
This is an excellent book that I highly recommend. I also hope to use Computer Science Pure and Simple (also available from Motherboard books) with my son in the next school year. Let’s Make a Webpage is available from Motherboard books for $29.99 but there is currently an introductory special of $19.99.
You can read more reviews on Let’s Make a Webpage, as well as Computer Science Pure and Simple and Logo Adventures on The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew Blog.

By Kristen H.
I wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with many blessings.