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We are beginning our seventh year of homeschooling. It seems hard to believe that time is passing so quickly. Yet at the same time, I look ahead at this year and feel it is going to drag by. There is much truth in the saying

The years are short, but the days are long.

I’ve already shared some of our struggles starting school this year. I’m sure that at least some of the problem is my own attitude. So, as a reminder to myself, I am posting a list that my husband and I wrote at the beginning of our homeschool journey.

Why We Homeschool Our Children

  1. We can educate our children in the Christian world view.
  2. We can cater to each child’s individual needs.
  3. We can be more efficient in education. (eliminates travel time, class changes, lining up at the door, waiting for school to start, parent-teacher conferences, discipline problems from other students, etc.).
  4. We can build connectivity in learning by showing relationships between subjects and from year to year.
  5. We have great flexibility.
  6. We are forced to keep learning new things.
  7. We hope to build a lifelong love of learning in our children.
  8. We can spend more time with our children.
  9. Our children can spend more time with each other, know each other better, and hopefully develop deeper friendships with each other for life.
  10. We spend less on than homeschooling, than private school tuition.
  11. We can eliminate much of the negative influence of peers.
  12. We can eliminate much of the danger of fighting, guns, etc.

In addition, there is one all encompassing, most important reason that we homeschool our children. We believe that it is God’s plan for our family at this time. I still believe that and know that He will give me the wisdom, strength, and energy I need to continue on this path.


By Kristen H.
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2 thoughts on “Why We Homeschool”

  1. Thank you so much for submitting this to the carnival! I often say that we, as humans, really need a visual reminder of these big decisions in our lives. Just like when Joshua and the children of Israel built the memorial before going into the promised land. But, I haven't actually done this for our homeschooling decision – and I think it's really needful. Thanks for the push I needed to get that written out!

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