I’m planning on having my son work one addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problem daily just to to make sure that he remembers the methods. We’ve fought and fought over him doing most of his math in his head. It might not be so much of a problem if he got all the problems correct. But he does not. He definitely understands math concepts for which I’m very thankful. That is what I’ve stressed. But, I’m realizing now that he doesn’t KNOW his math facts adequately, and he does not do well at computational math. I knew his speed was poor and we are drilling multiplication facts to help with that.
I’ve come up with several possibilities for delivering the problems.
1. Worksheets
I’ve been looking for a free worksheet generator, but I’ve been unable to find one that generates a small number of problems, do the mixture that I want, and make the problems complicated enough.
2. Write the 4 problems down on the whiteboard daily.
That’s definitely an easier option that continuing to scour the internet for the software I want. However, I know myself and I’m afraid that if the daily problems are dependent on me writing them daily it won’t happen.
3. I could make up the problems and type them into his assignment sheets.
I can’t format them like a worksheet, but he could write them in his notebook. And writing down the problem is a lot of the issue, so maybe that would be the best solution.
I’d appreciate suggestions for worksheet websites and any other advice. (I, of course, reserve the right not to take it LOL)

By Kristen H.
What about Quarter Mile Math or Calculadder? Something that makes a drill more fun by turning it into a game? I think Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers reviewed it recently.
I also reviewed Quarter Mile Math, and I'm using it to drill those multiplication facts. What I'm looking for are problems like 1985 X 765 and 3675/42. Things that he just can't do in his head. Quarter Mile math may have problems like that, but I'm not interested in the speed aspect of those problems. I want him to practice the method on paper enough that he'll finally remember it. I've not looked at Calculadders. I'll check into that one.