The goals of Guardian Angel Publishing are:
To lovingly create fun, affordable and educational eBook computer experiences, great print books for your preschoolers and primary age children. And to embed positive, loving and worthwhile meaning into these books.
With almost 100 books available in a wide variety of topics, there’s something for every child.
I received three books, all in eBook format, to review. Two of them, No Bones About It and Earthquake, are from the Academic Wings collection. These books are educational in nature and are ideal to be used in the classroom. The third was Stubby’s Destiny from the Wings of Faith collection.
No Bones About It teaches the scientific names of many of the bones in the human body by setting them to an engaging rhyme. In addition to the rhyming text, there are also “factoids” on every page containing extra information about bones, fractures, calcium, and vitamin D. The book is humorously illustrated with cartoon bones. I think the rhyming nature of this book would make it very effective for memorizing names of bones. My younger children listened and were very attentive as I read.
Earthquake contains information about the the structure of the earth and how the movements of plates cause earthquakes. There is also information about the Richter scale, the first seismometer, and the areas in the United States where earthquakes are most likely to occur. The last portion is devoted to detailing what to do in an earthquake, making an emergency kit, and how to help others in need. Throughout the book are additional “factoids” about earthquakes. We enjoyed the book, but we would have preferred more information about earthquakes and less about emergency preparedness.
Stubby’s Destiny is a beautifully illustrated book about a little donkey who wishes he were a horse. He tries to learn from his friend Sly, who is a horse, how to carry himself like a horse. After much trying, he sadly realizes he will never be anything but a donkey. But he is overjoyed when he gets to carry a King! The story was sweet, though predictable.
The prices for each of the books are:
$5.00 for a pdf download
9.95 + $5.95 S&H for eBook CD
$10.95 + $6.95 for Print book
Although I love the mission and goal of Guardian Angel Publishing, I didn’t find any of the books that I received to be above average. The prices seem too high for the print versions of the book, and although I am growing more accustomed to e-books, I still don’t want to snuggle on the couch with my kids and the computer to read. The only one of these three books that I would consider purchasing is No Bones About It. To see more reviews of Guardian Angel Publishing books, visit the Crew Blog.

Disclosure: This product was provided to our family for free as members of the 2009-2010 Old Schoolhouse Magazine Homeschool Crew. Reviews and opinions expressed in this blog are our own.

By Kristen H.