Have you heard about My Audio School? It is a new website filled with audio files of classic books as well as old radio and television shows. The files are divided into chapters and are arranged topically by historical era. A lot of work has gone into compiling this into one SAFE location for your children to listen. The site offers 25% of its content for free, while an annual subscription is just $14.99.
Currently, there is a contest at The Tie That Binds Us to win a year’s subscription. I think this will be especially useful for us and our Tapestry of Grace studies.Visit The Tie That Binds Us for your chance to win.

By Kristen H.
It actually did not work at first (the link within), I had to ask them t(at link within) to look into it and they fixed it.
I have this on my wish list already, so of course I entered to win a subscription! 🙂