Last year I did a Year in Review and posted the first sentence from the first blog post of each month. I decided to do it again this year. I did cheat a little and didn’t use the first post of the month if it was a review, but instead chose the first non-review post for that month.
As I looked through a whole year of posts, I noticed a few things. First, I think I’ve become a much better blogger this year. I’ve been more consistent with regular posting and I’ve posted on a fairly wide variety of topics. Second, I really need to work on writing better titles.
I’m looking forward to another blogging year. Thank you to my faithful readers and commenters. It is always encouraging to read your responses.
New Year’s Resolutions
Why do we make New Year’s resolutions?
Fun Geography Game
Last night my family made up a fun geography game.
Mystery Tracks
One of the on-going projects in Apologia Elementary Zoology 3 is to make a notebook of animal tracks.
Monthly Menu Planning
I just finished building a new page on planning monthly dinner menus.
Roman Numeral Links
I was searching for ideas for teaching Roman numerals and found several sites to share.
Thoughts on Kindergarten Curriculum
I had the opportunity to talk with a friend at church who will be beginning to homeschool her oldest son for kindergarten this fall.
A Gardener I Am Not
I love flowers.
Homeschool Co-ops
What is a co-op exactly?
Chore Chart
It’s Organizing Week on Works for Me Wednesday and I really love to organize!
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins
Running Behind
I can’t believe it’s already November.
Exercise Tip
If you haven’t lifted weights for several weeks, and then are suddenly motivated on Monday after Thanksgiving to work-out, you will be very sore the next day.
Happy New Year everyone!

By Kristen H.
Ha, but now I have it! I need to print that one up. I think I still have a can of pumpkin in the pantry. 🙂
I also know what you mean about coming up with better blog entry titles. Some days it is all I can do to get to the computer to post something without someone wanting mom. If I can actually gather my thoughts long enough to write, about the time I am finishing up someone is always looking for me and I come up with any old title I can think of! 😉
I think your blog post titles are good! It has been fun getting to know you and reading your thoughts this year. Happy New Year to you and your famiy.
AF Wife99
I did this on my blog too. IT is a fun review. I hope you have a great 2010.
I copied you last year, and you've inspired me again this year, too. You're so "with it". 😉 It was good to read your year in review. You *have* improved as a blogger. I hope I have, too. Although I think you've done better at posting regularly than I have this Fall.
April E>