KinderBach is a beginning piano curriculum for preschool and early elementary children. It introduces elementary musical concepts such as rhythm, loud and soft, and high and low, as well as teaching the names of the musical notes on the keyboard. The main component of the program is the video lessons. Along with the video lessons are activity pages to be printed and used to reinforce the lessons.
As a member of last year’s Homeschool Crew, I received a subscription to KinderBach to review. My younger son, who was almost 7 at the time, LOVED it. He watched many of the videos, and as a result, was able to find the notes on the keyboard. After the subscription was over, he missed it. He asked about it several months later. He asked about it again a couple of months ago. I was excited to tell him that we got another subscription for him to use. My son has enjoyed having access to the program again, though he hasn’t watched as many videos as he did last year. However, he is at the upper end of the recommended ages for the program (2-7 years) so it may be that’s “outgrown” it.
Please read last year’s review for a more thorough product description. There are some additional features that have been added since last year. These include an accompanying craft book and two videos for each song. The first demonstrates the playing of the song while the second has a bouncing ball with the music for the child to play along.
The current prices are $95.88 for 12 months or $19.99 per month for a subscription to the on-line lessons. The program is also available on DVD. The DVD price is considerably higher, but would be a cost-effective option for those without high-speed internet access or who want to reuse the lessons with younger children.
For more reviews of KinderBach, visit the Homeschool Crew blog.

By Kristen H.