I took typing in the 10th grade. I knew that typing was a valuable skill, and truthfully, I certainly use the skills learned in typing class more frequently now than those from any of my other high school classes. Our class was a room full of electric IBM typewriters. After learning the basics, one of my biggest problems was typing off the bottom of the page. I didn’t need to look at my hands at all. Things have certainly changed!
I think that learning to type now, is even more important than it was then. So much so, that I had already purchased a popular typing program for my kids. I thought I could “trick” them into learning how to type at a young age by having them play typing games.
Well, guess what. My son made it all the way to the typing castle or whatever it was without learning how to type properly. He still preferred a crazy hunt and peck method when he was typing on the computer! And my daughter was stressed out by the game and could never go fast enough to advance. We obviously needed to try something else.
I was so happy when I received Keyboarding for the Christian School and Keyboarding for the Christian School Elementary Version. They looked like just what we needed. First, a fresh start. Second, simple instruction. No fancy games, just simple lessons that incrementally teach typing, slowly adding in new letters. Both programs also include numbers, the number key pad and basic word processing skills such as creating numbered lists and centering. The regular version goes on to cover formatting of many types of documents including business letters, reports, and bibliographies.
You might be wondering where the Christian comes into this program. I mean really, could there be a more non-religious subject than typing? The Christian portion of the program begins after the basic typing skills are learned. All the later practice sessions in the elementary version use scripture. The upper level version also includes excerpts from Christian books. That’s not a bad way to redeem the time. As long as the child is typing, he might as well be typing something that is food for the soul instead of pointless exercises.
I have my almost 10 year old daughter trying out the Elementary version. She has made rapid progress through the course. The big change is that now she is typing her own reports and notebook pages. This is HUGE. She is not a computer-loving kid, and like I mentioned, was very frustrated by the previous typing program we used. This has been an excellent fit for her.
My older son, who is 11, has been using the regular version. He has not advanced as rapidly as my daughter, but that is due mainly to the fact that he hasn’t devoted as much time to it as she has. He is ambivalent about the program, but I have seen definite improvement in his typing during his free time. That’s really what matters.
Both of these programs are available from Christian Keyboarding.com. Keyboarding for the Christian School is recommended for grades 6 and up and is available for $15.95. The Elementary Version is for K-5 and is $12.95. They also have a current special where you can purchase both programs for only $22. These books are e-books, which means no shipping and instant downloads.
Be sure to visit the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog to read more reviews of Keyboarding for the Christian School.

By Kristen H.