Developed by MIT graduates, MathScore.com is proven to improve math test scores. That’s not necessarily the #1 goal of homeschoolers. However, we do want our children be adequately trained in math. MathScore.com does not train students on how to test well, but provides drill on important math concepts, which in turn leads to better test scores. There are over 200 topics on MathScore.com to choose from, and the program is suitable from students ranging from 2nd grade through Algebra I.
So what about MathScore.com is unlike any of the other programs I’ve seen? It is the only math drill supplement that has no games. No bright colors. No flashing lights. Just….math! I do appreciate the value of games in education, but they are distracting to some children. In addition some children find them silly, and they don’t usually provide as much time in actually practicing math as MathScore.com does.
MathScore.com provides on-line “worksheets”. These are timed, and the student scores points based on the number of correct answers and his ability to complete the problems during the time limit. (The time limit is adjustable.) The parent is sent the most thorough report that I’ve seen which details % accuracy, points scored, and engaged time. It even compares engaged time to time spent at the computer so you can see if your child is actually doing math practice during his assigned time.
I had my older son (6th grade) test out MathScore.com for me. While he didn’t beg for more time on it, I could see that the timed worksheets did help to keep him focused. He did have trouble using it on my laptop, but that was mainly due to operator error on his part. I’ve noticed that both of my boys will try to use the mouse area (I don’t know the technical term) with two hands. That causes the cursor to jump unexpected places. When my son used the desktop, he did not have the problems that he had the first time with skipping problems and not being able to back up.
The pricing structure is a little complicated, but that is because of the different discounts that are offered. The simple price is $14.95 per month. But, you can get a two-week free trial, plus the first two months after that are only $9.95. Plus, there are discounts for additional children. The second child is only $5.00 with each additional child only $3.95 per month. There are also lump sum payment options available that allow you to lock in at a lower rate. Another nice feature is the ability to freeze your subscription. If you know that you’re going to be on vacation or have some other reason that you will not be using the service for a while, you can freeze your subscription and restart it when you’re ready to resume.
To start your free trial visit MathScore.com. (And it really is a FREE trial. You don’t have to enter your credit card information and remember to cancel the subscription before you are billed.) Be sure to read more reviews of MathScore.com at the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog.

By Kristen H.