The Terrestria Chronicles is a series of Christian allegories by Ed Dunlop. The setting is Terrestria, a land of knights and castles.
Book Four: The Crown of Kuros
With character names like Sir Wisdom and Sir Faithful, I’m reminded a little of Pilgrim’s Progress. However, the allegory is much simpler. In fact, some of it, like the spell-a-vision and stone music, I do not consider allegorical at all, more of a play on words. But the simplicity can be an asset. For example, my oldest son (11 years old) has trouble grasping things like symbolism and parables, but this allegory was on a level that he seemed to understand. It provided a good introduction to recognizing symbolism.
The book, though not an example of great literature in my opinion, did contain decent descriptions, dialogue, and plot. Even more importantly, it definitely made me think about my own Christian walk. That is, I believe, the author’s main intent. It could definitely lead kids and parents into good spiritual discussions together.
The books are available at Tales of and are $7.99 each. The entire set (7 books) is available for $39.99.

By Kristen H.