I got our curriculum page updated with our next year’s curriculum choices. Now, to just plan it. Thankfully, most of what we use are what I’ve heard called, “Do the next thing” curricula. So I don’t actually have to do a lot of planning. Scheduling is probably a more accurate description. I’ve been using Homeschool Tracker Basic to record my children’s assignments and print out a weekly list of all their independent work. At this point, I’m planning on continuing with that. But, I did download an interesting EXCEL planner from that I might consider. I’ve got to look at it more closely to see what it will do.
How do you plan/schedule your school year?

By Kristen H.
My planning comes in a few stages. Stage 1 is choosing our 4 main science and history units for the year(3-4 weeks each). Then a few weeks before a unit I order any library books I need. The week before a unit begins I put all those books in some order to be read, print and parcel out the lapbook pieces to match books, and I’m all set. In theory.
We follow more of a ‘to-do’ list, type of schedule. I have the list of their subjects, and what needs to be accomplished either daily or weekly, and leave it up to them on when they get it done. Of course my daughter is in High School and my son is in 7th grade, so they do most of their work on their own.
And I use Donna Young’s website all the time. I like her Excel transcript program. It’s great. 🙂
HI there, I’m wondering if you can help me.
I still cannot access my blog. I have requested a new password, but the one given to me was the one for my nature blog, not my main blog. I don’t know who to contact or how to get in touch with anyone, so I thought I’d leave a comment here. My username is Sandpiper.
My planning for this year is coming along very slowly (may be because I was on vacation, don’t know). BTW, I have just awarded you a blogging award.
Well, this is interesting! I wrote a blog post the other night about “Do The Next Thing” because I had just come across the poem called “Doe The Nexte Thynge”. I find it very helpful in my quest to clean and organize the schoolroom (and give away about half our stuff!), and to organize the school work. Thanks again for the reminder to just Do The Next Thing!
Looks like a great year. Planning here is coming along pretty well. I think I’m already going to have to make some changes, though, after making a big change in our writing curriculum at our homeschool convention last Friday. *sigh* Oh, well. I think it’s going to be a positive change, so a little re-working of the plans won’t hurt me.