I like to use the term “Relaxed Classical” to describe our homeschooling style. It’s a description that you may or may not consider accurate depending on your perspective. A relaxed homeschooler wouldn’t find us very relaxed, but we’re not as disciplined with our memory work as a strict classical educator. However, one classical subject that we’ve made a priority in our home is Latin. But I’ve always sought out Latin curricula to make learning Latin enjoyable for my children. That is why when we first started Latin with my oldest son 5 years ago, I chose Latin for Children. The videos especially helped to make Latin fun and interesting.
Fast forward 5 years. My older 2 children are doing well in their Latin curricula, but I have yet to start my younger son in Latin. He’s going to be in 3rd grade, and both of my older children started Latin for Children by the 3rd grade. However, his current reading level and understanding of grammar would make Latin for Children impossible for him. I could have just waited, but I like to start Latin study early. It seems that children are generally more excited to start learning a foreign language at a young age. With that in mind, I was looking for a more gentle introduction to Latin for my 8 year old. What I found was Song School Latin.
Song School Latin, like Latin for Children, is published by Classical Academic Press. It is written as an introductory Latin program for students in K-3. The text contains 31 chapters with black and white cartoon-style illustrations. Five new vocabulary words are introduced per chapter except for review chapters. Each chapter’s vocabulary is based upon a theme. Some example chapter themes are household items, manners, pets, and Christmas words. It also introduces very basic grammar like “What is a noun?”.
The text itself is very fun and gentle, but what really sets Song School Latin apart is the music. There is an original song that teaches the vocabulary in each chapter! Many of the songs use familiar tunes and include a man and woman singing accompanied by guitar and violin. They are recorded using both Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciation. You can listen to samples on the Song School Latin page.
I’m very excited to start my younger son in Latin this year with Song School Latin. He is my most auditory child. He loves music, and I expect he will listen to this CD without much prompting from me. He also is excited and very proud that he will finally be learning Latin like his older brother and sister. I’m sure that little sister (almost 4) will enjoy listening along too.
I definitely need to mention that Classical Academic Press sent me a free copy of Song School Latin in exchange for my honest review. Actually, I would have bought it anyway! (But that’s our little secret.) They also sent me a free copy of Latin Alive Book One to give away. Please stay tuned for instructions to enter that great giveaway!
Linked to: The Homeschool Curriculum Review Roundup.

By Kristen H.
I just want to thank you for your review for Song School Latin. I am still finalizing my choice for our 1st year of Latin and was just not sure which one would appeal most to my young learner. After reading your review I think I will take a look at the Classical Academic Press website.
We too used Song School Latin 2 years ago. Now we are starting Latin for Children B. We love Classical Academia Press. And we love Latin. I may have to steal your term “relaxed classical” as that describes us too!