It has been a while since I’ve updated my reading list as part of the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge. The last update of my reading list was my Spring Reading Fling conclusion.
This is week 33 and I have only completed 27 books. You would think that I’d have gotten ahead over the summer, but the combination of a lot of traveling and trying to read some classic books has slowed my progress considerably. But I just finished reading a mystery novel by a new (to me) author. It went quickly, and I already have 2 more checked out from the library so maybe I’ll do a bit of catching up.
Since my last update I’ve read:
23. The Tale of Applebeck Orchard by Susan Wittig Albert – This book is the latest in the series of Beatrix Potter mysteries. These combine some real facts about Beatrix Potter’s life with a completely fictional period mystery. They’re light reading but I enjoy them.
24. The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy – This is from the list of classic novels recommended in The Well-Educated Mind. Overall, I liked this book fairly well. It started off slowly, but it did hold my interest. I remembered absolutely hating the Thomas Hardy books I’d been forced to read in high school so this was an improvement.
25. Vanishing Act by Liz Johnson – This is a Christian, romantic mystery. A full review of this is coming soon.
26. Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd and Margy Tripp – This was an excellent sequel to Shepherding a Child’s Heart. It expounded more on teaching children about the gospel in all that we do. It filled some of the holes that I felt Shepherding left in how to train older children.
27. Murder with Peacocks by Donna Andrews – This is the one I just finished. This is cozy little mystery with a hint of romance thrown in.
On the nightstand are:
Still House Pond by Jan Watson – This is a review book I haven’t started yet.
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James – I’ve read over 100 pages of this book, and so far I’m not too excited about it. I had to take a break. There isn’t much of anything happening.

By Kristen H.
Oh my goodness, I like to read, but there is no way I could do 52 books in 52 weeks. I mean I could, but I just don’t have the time. You are doing great getting through 27 of them. Good job. 🙂