A few weeks ago, I posted my review of The Way Home, a DVD about the day 2 year-old Joe Simpkins got lost. Very shortly afterwards, I was contacted by Randy Simpkins, the real-life father of Joe Simpkins. He liked my review, but offered me the opportunity to read the book to help clear up a few misconceptions I may have had. Not being one to turn down books, I agreed.
Our Way Home is written by both Randy and Christal Simpkins. While the movie focuses only on 1 day, with a few flashbacks, the book gives a lot more background of the events leading up to that day. It’s fairly short and quick to read. While reading it, I felt like I was hearing Randy and Christal speak. The chapters even alternate between their two perspectives.
So did I have misperceptions? Well, not exactly, but the book did bring some additional facts to my attention. First, Randy wasn’t just your everyday, average work-a-holic. He really wasn’t home for much of his kids’ early years. Some was unavoidable (like time spent in the Navy), but most was driven by his desire for success. And Christal wasn’t just a little bit tired from “holding down the fort” for years. There is more to the story to that, but I will let you hear it from them.
In addition to giving more background about their lives, Our Way Home also provides a deeper look into the Simpkins’ faith, both before and after that fateful day. I got to see into their hearts and how God led them to make the movie. Reading the book was definitely worth it for me, but be sure to watch The Way Home first!
Our Way Home is available on Amazon.com. (This is NOT an affiliate link.)
Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the authors to review. I was not compensated for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

By Kristen H.