I’m so excited that my first article has been published in The Old Schoolhouse magazine’s latest issue. I was privileged to interview Dr. Mary Hood, who is the founder of Relaxed Homeschooling (the term anyway).
Direct Link to the Dr. Hood interview
Let me know what you think. Are you a relaxed homeschooler?

By Kristen H.
Funny, my husband and I ARE teachers, but we still have a relaxed learning style apparently. I didn’t realize that I was relaxed in my homeschool style. I hadn’t heard it described that way before. I usually tell everyone we are eclectic. I enjoyed this article especially because my “gift” is teaching with learning centers! How interesting. Thanks for sharing this delightful info with the homeschooling community. Congrats again on your article being printed in the TOS magazine! Very cool! Rebecca (Faithflower, @choosingtolive)