I love home school curriculum. I love to research it on-line and read reviews. I enjoy the process of finding the curriculum that is right for each child.
I’ve been a strong supporter of combining children to teach the subjects like history and science together. And that worked pretty well when my older 2 children were the only ones I was teaching. But as I’ve added more students, that hasn’t worked as well. I admire families who are able to do so much together. But my children have such varied interests and personalities, that it just doesn’t work well. It’s been frustrating and discouraging to me to give up my vision of the whole family snuggled together on the couch listening to me read. But it just does not work here. And it’s OK! (If I keep saying that, will I eventually believe it?)
This year I’m very sadly leaving behind my beloved Tapestry of Grace. I still love it. But trying to combine my oldest son and daughter into a discussion time was simply awful. Starting with 7th grade, I’ve found it better to pull the older students out for their own science as well.
I’ve listed all the main curricula for each of my children on Our Curriculum page. I’m going to highlight some of the new things we’re trying this year.
- David will be using Notgrass Exploring World History. I was looking for a more straightforward textbook approach for him.
- Anna will be using Time Travelers History – The Industrial Revolution through the Great Depression along with TruthQuest – Age of Revolution III. If the Time Travelers History goes well, we may also purchase the World War 2 study.
- Anna will also be studying Home Economics from Christian Light. This is a course that she could just learn in a more relaxed way, but she is especially interested in learning to sew. I liked the solid basic sewing instruction in this program. I knew we’d be more likely to get around to it if she had an actual text instead of just waiting for me to teach her.
- William will be using Christian Light for his math. I noticed that he needed more of a spiral program for math than my older children. I liked the drill, review, and workbook format of Christian Light.
- I’ve been
drooling oververy interested in the complete curricula from Memoria Press. My daughter Lizzie is already reading well, but I’ve decided to try some of other the recommended resources with her. She’ll be using New American Cursive and the Story Time Treasures from Memoria Press. - I also picked up History for Little Pilgrims very inexpensively at our local used curriculum fair. Lizzie was very excited to see that it includes a coloring book.
Thanks for visiting Sunrise to Sunset! Please follow my blog and then go visit some of the other Not Back to School blog hop participants.This post is also linked to {School}Days Gone By 2012-2013 Curriculum Choice and the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop.

By Kristen H.