I’ve recently finished reading Crystal Paine’s (MoneySavingMom.com) soon to be released book, Say Goodbye to Survival Mode. One of the most important steps to getting out of survival mode, which I’ve been living in at least partially for a couple of years now, is to set goals.
So, I’ve been thinking about what things about my current state are making me unhappy. Are my priorities out of line? I won’t say that I’ve completely let me priorities slide, but I have let some less important things get in the way of what my priorities are (or should be). And although, I have a lot of things organized, I’ve lost sight of my purpose.
I’ve been thinking about mission statements and purpose statements and I was getting nowhere. But then I realized I know my purpose.
It’s the first question and answer in the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.
I Cor. 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
So that is the lens that I need to look through when I evaluate the things that I am doing.
- Does this activity bring glory to God?
- Am I glorifying God in all my actions?
I am setting some goals for the new year. But these will be evolving. I want to work on building some habits for myself, so I don’t want to try to add too many things at once, or it will be counter-productive.
Here are the categories that I am dividing my goals.
- God/Spiritual
- Family/Homeschool
- Personal/Health
- Work/Blog
1. Continue with daily Bible reading. I am so excited to report, that I made the goal to read the New Testament during the month of December, and I have almost completed that goal!
2. Focus on scripture memory with daily practice using Scripture Typer. I have recently started using ScriptureTyper.com and it is a fantastic way for me to study and review.
1. Get children started on schoolwork before 9 am. Enforce the use of the checklist for the younger students.
1. Start a consistent exercise routine. I have learned from experience, that the only way I can get this to work is to get up early and go to the Y. So in order to do that I need to….
2. Get to bed on time!
3. Continue looking at ways to improve our family’s eating habits. Continue researching how to implement a gluten-free diet with tentative plans to begin a trial during February and March.
1. Block out specific, focused times of day to complete work tasks for SchoolhouseTeachers.com.
2. Publish 3 blog posts per week.
This post is shared on Let’s Homeschool High School.
Read more New Year’s Goals posts by some of my friends.
2014 – Love, Joy, Peace, Grace, and to Know Him Better by April E. @ ElCloud Homeschool: Busy Minds, Busy Hands, Busy Feet
2014: The Adventure Continues by Leah @ As We Walk Along the Road
2014 Prayers, Hopes, and Goals by Clara @ A Slice Of Homeschool Pie
A Peek into My Plans for 2014 by Jennifer @ Conversaving
Anticipating 2014 by Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
A Year to Sparkle! by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Saying Hello to 2014 by Tess @ Circling Through This Life
2014 Already? How can that be? by Debra @ Footprints in the Butter
Goals For 2014 Homesteading & Homeschooling by Kim @Homestead Acres
Facing 2014 With Anticipation And Caution by Audra Silva @ Simply Audra Marie
Embracing Real Moments in 2014 by Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm
2014 Goals and Why We Should All Set Them by April B. @ Coffee, Cobwebs, and Curriculum

By Kristen H.
I really like your goals, and I really like that you referred to the Catechism. We use that in our Bible study each day. I pray you are able to reach your goals this year! Happy New Year!
Those are great goals. I am working on some myself, and I hope to share them soon. And the word the Lord gave me for this year. 🙂
And don’t forget, if need to chat about gluten free, just let me know.
What a great reminder that before we set our goals, we need to put our eyes on what our overall mission in life is. Thank you for sharing!
I appreciate how you’ve broken up your goals into categories. It can make them seem more manageable that way. My ability to achieve my spiritual goals (i.e. being in the Word every day) always seems to affect whether I can keep my other goals (i.e. running, writing blogs, etc.). I find that if I can keep my spiritual goals, my other goals become more achievable. Great post! Very encouraging!
Hi Kristen, it’s Jackie stopping by from the January Let’s Homeschool High School Blog Hop. I wanted to stop by and personally thank you for linking up with us this month.
I think forming new habits is key when trying to reach goals. I often fall short of reaching goals unless I establish a solid habit.
Best wishes to you in reaching your end desires.I look forward to you linking up with us again next month.
Let’s Homeschool High School Admn.
Wow what a great job you did with your goals. We haven’t been that organized yet.