I can’t believe Lizzie is going to be in the 4th grade this year! She is a very bright child who loves to read. For the most part, she likes formal school work, but on some days she has a bad attitude about seat work. The poem about the child with the curl in her forehead has served as a good description of her. Her favorite subjects are Latin and History. I’m trying to changes things this year with more reading aloud together time. Much of what I have planned is a continuation of what we’ve been doing. I have been revisiting the Charlotte Mason philosophy and this year will be a mix of Classical/Charlotte Mason resources.
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Finish Miquon with Miquon Purple
Move on to Singapore 4A and 4B
Language Arts
Memoria Press – Finish The Moffats, then Farmer Boy and Charlotte’s Web.
All About Spelling Level 4 – I really love this program. It has been wonderful for both my struggling reader and Lizzie who is a natural reader and speller.
English Grammar
Rod & Staff 4 – Diagramming and parts of speech sections only.
Classical Composition I- Fables – This is new for us. I looked at progymnasmata writing instruction years ago with my oldest, but never implemented it. The program I was looking at was too teacher intensive. I’m going to give this curriculum a try and see how we like it.
Finish New American Cursive then use copywork for more practice.
God’s Great Covenant: Old Testament 2 – I was very pleased with Old Testament 1 last year, so we’ve decided to continue this series.
Hymn study – I am picking 2 or 3 hymns to study. We’ll use them for copywork, plus learn to play and sing. I haven’t decided if I’ll use the Ambleside Online suggested hymns or select my own.
Catechism memory
Foreign Language
First Form Latin – Lizzie loves Latin and flew through Latina Christiana. We’re giving First Form a try this year, but will move at a relaxed pace.
Ambleside Online Year 2 – Here is the big change in the curriculum. I started looking at Ambleside Online again and I have fallen in love. I want to spend time reading together, and this gives us that opportunity. I already own either in print or Kindle format almost all of the resources for the year. I chose Year 2 for the history time period because we’re wrapping up the Ancients. Even though Lizzie is in the 4th grade, many of the resources that are used in Year 2 are used for students much older as well.
Considering God’s Creation – I will use this as the spine but will supplement it heavily with the corresponding Apologia Elementary books. We started this at the end of last year, and Lizzie loved the creative portions of Considering God’s Creation. I like the reading in Apologia better, so I’ve opted to combine them. We’re working through this at a relaxed pace and we don’t do all the activities in the Apologia science books.
I know this looks like a lot, but we usually spend a very short time on each subject. I’ll be putting together a schedule for which subjects to do on which days.
You can find more homeschoolers’ curriculum choices at the Not Back to School Blog Hop.

By Kristen H.