Welcome to Sunrise to Sunset!
My name is Kristen and I’m the happily married mother of 5 children. I am addicted to homeschool curriculum, and I confess that I think I like planning and researching homeschooling more than actually homeschooling! I’m a former engineer, so math and science are my specialties. I do love to read, but teaching literature is a scary task for me.
My husband Kevin is a public school teacher. He’s currently teaching pre-engineering classes to high school students, but he was a chemistry teacher for many years. (So we really aren’t too worried about the high school science classes!)
Our oldest son, David, is 16 years old. His passions are film-making, editing, and computer game making. (He’s not so much into playing computer games.) He loves math, especially complicated theories. He’s not so crazy about computation. He is a good student, but will do as little “school work” as he can get by with.
Our oldest daughter, Anna, is 14. She is very girly, but tough as nails. She loves all things crafty. She also takes violin lessons, runs cross country, and plays soccer. As a student, she is very independent. Her favorite subject is Latin. She recently told me that she would also like to resume Greek (we tried that as a family for a few years) and learn French and eventually Hebrew. She also loves to read, especially historical fiction.
Our middle son is William. He’s 12 years old. He has struggled with school. He’s still not up to grade level (whatever that is) in any subject. I’m constantly on the lookout for new ways to teach him. His attitude about school work is terrible, so it makes my life difficult at times.
Our youngest daughter Lizzie is 7. She is our little drama queen. She’s very quick, and like her big sister, enjoys school work…most of the time. She’s very smart and has basically taught herself to read. (I know I sure didn’t.) She’s quite the character and has us all laughing with her antics.
Our youngest son is Andrew. He’s 3-1/2 old and also quite a character. He loves playing with cars and swinging outside. He’s adored by the entire family. (and at risk for becoming quite spoiled!)
We’re a Christian family with reformed theological views. We do not use exclusively Christian curriculum, but an eclectic mix of resources. I like to call our style relaxed classical. It leans a little more toward the relaxed and less towards the classical with the boys.
Thanks for visiting!

By Kristen H.
I saw a post of yours from a while back on Homeschoolblogger. It talked about you doing Brain Intergration Therapy with your son. I was wondering it about the outcome and your overall experience with it. We are considering it for our son, but the $125 an hour is very pricey, and the claims they make are a little hard to believe. If you don’t mind sharing your experience with me,please. We are desperate.