To-Do Tuesday

I really think the purpose of this meme is to post a new list every week, but I am using it more as a reminder to be working on my “big” goals for the summer. Here are my updates for this week’s To-do Tuesday. Prepare for children’s consignment sale. Do ironing Catch up on regular…

To-do Tuesday

I found a new meme called To-do Tuesday sponsored by Crazy Adventures in Parenting. (The meme is not new, just new to me.) I’m going to re-post my summer goal list that I posted last Friday along with (a very few) updates. Prepare for children’s consignment sale. Do ironing Catch up on regular laundry Clean…

Next Year’s Curriculum

One of my eleven stated goals in my previous post was to work on school planning. I’ve already picked out curriculum, so I just need to look through everything, determine a reasonable pace, and decide how often to teach each subject. Then I could start scheduling every assignment. But I don’t like to schedule too…

Teaching Multiple Ages – Part 3

For the last two weeks, I’ve been discussing different aspects of teaching multiple ages of children. In part 1, I mentioned choosing curriculum that would assist you in teaching multiple levels by utilizing a combination of curricula that combined children and worked for independent learning. Last week, in part 2, I provided some basic philosophies…

Finishing Projects

There’s a new weekly homeschool/education meme hosted by Fivejs. She wants to know how you fill up your kids’ thirst for knowledge. In our house, we love doing hands-on projects. OK, let me rephrase that. The kids love doing hands-on projects. I am not so fond of the mess. But, I have found that nothing…