It seems like everytime I sit down to post in my blog, someone needs me or something and I don’t have time to write. It has been an interesting week of school. I know a lot of people just don’t school at all in the month of December, but I have found that we do best with a little bit of routine.
So, this week we have started out our day with piano practice. This is followed by practicing our songs for the children’s Christmas program. They are singing at a nursing home this Sunday afternoon. Then we practice memory verses for church and have a short prayer time. The only seat work they are doing is math and copywork. Our copywork has been Luke 2:1-20, one verse a day. We’ve finished up our short unit on immigration and the kids made notebook pages on the Statue of Liberty. We did several lessons in science (God’s Design for the Physical World – Heat and Energy) on conduction, convection, and radiation. We’re making minit books for a lapbook as we go. I am finding that this curriculum is a GREAT one to lapbook. I’ve never had the ideas come so easily for me. Or, maybe I’m just getting better at lapbooking. Today we did a Twas the Night Before Christmas Madlib which was fun. I’ve been reading aloud from the Little House Christmas Treasury book as well.
Next week we have to prepare for our presentations at our book club. My older son is presenting on Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and my older daughter on Away in the Manger. I also have a couple of free lapbooks that I wanted to do. I was planning on doing the Live and Learn How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but I saw one on the 12 Days of Christmas at Homeschool Share today that looks so great, we may do that one instead. So next week, I’m planning on copywork, book club prep, and lapbooking in addition to reading-aloud and making cookies! Not to mention wrapping presents in my free time.Yikes.

By Kristen H.
I've stopped counting how many times I've wanted to quit doing school in December. DH keeps telling me to stop talking about taking a break and just do it! 🙂 But our kids do better in a routine as well. We're doing a Christmas symbols lapbook and just focusing on math and reading. Maybe next year we'll take a long break in December (of course I've been saying that for the last 4 years as well).
Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog about adhd and dyslexia. I hope to post more on the subject. I wanted to let you know that I have the rest of our story up. 🙂
I saw you are heading to a nursing home too this week. We are actually going today. We created some gift bags and are going caroling with our church. We are caroling and then giving the little gift we created. I'll have it on my blog later. Its a lot of fun.
God bless
Hi, I'm the Content Publisher for Homeschool Help Web, and just wanted to take a moment to say "Thanks!" for linking to my "Twas the Night Before Christmas" fill-in-the-blank story. I had a lot of fun creating it, and I'm glad that people have found it and are enjoying it.
I love your blog, it looks so nice!