This week was a good week for us.
For Bible we are using Veritas Bible Cards (Chronicles-Malachi). This week we studied Card 86 about the Return of the Jews from captivity to begin rebuilding Jerusalem. We read the details in the Vos Story Bible, but did not actually read the scripture reference this week because it was a little long to read aloud (Ezra 1-6 and Zechariah 4).
We are also memorizing the Westminster Shorter Catechism and have completed through question 18.
Q. 18. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell?
A. The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell, consists in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called original sin; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.
For copywork we have been copying the Catechism questions, but this will be the last week for that because we’ve gotten so far ahead of our memory work that I’m going to switch to the 10 Commandments.
After Bible time, we go over our Greek lesson. My two older children are using Elementary Greek Book 1. We completed Lesson 20 this week. I am really enjoying this program. It breaks everything down into small, manageable steps and the workload is very light. However, there is a lot more to it than Hey Andrew. (Though it’s probably not a fair comparison since we only used Hey Andrew Levels 1 and 2.
The older children begin their seatwork after our Greek lesson. My son (4th grade) started Singapore 5A this week. He has enjoyed it because the new books always start our “easy”. He’s been reviewing place value, multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10, and estimation. He also read an interesting book from the library called Great Estimations by Bruce Goldstone. It was about visual estimation and lots of great pictures to practice on. My daughter (2nd grade) is finishing up Singapore 2B. She started the geometry section this week. They both use Rod and Staff for English grammar (Grades 5 and 3). Daughter had a test on Unit 3 – Using Action Verbs. She scored well and is starting a unit on Adjectives and Adverbs. My son has also been studying advectives and adverbs and this week had a couple of lessons on rhyme and rhythm in poetry. Older son is also studying Latin and finished Chapter 31 of Latin for Children Primer B. He will finish the book next week, then be on to Primer C.
In history we are studying World War I and are using a project pack purchased from Hands of a Child in addition to listening to Story of the World Volume 4 (Chapter 21)
We’re using God’s Design for the Physical World for our physics spine. We finished up the Heat and Energy book this week.We did a couple of sound projects and demonstrations on light. One of the sound projects was making a “barking dog” from a milk jug and string. Of course my older son had to turn it into a dog
That’s younger son posing as “Snoopy”.
Finally, I had a really good week with my younger son this week. He is in K this year, but I’ve struggled to find time to work with him. He has been very behind in fine motor skills and has never wanted to write or draw. We’ve just finished the preschool HWT last week. This week he was so excited to be starting the “orange book” where he got to use a pencil instead of a crayon. Instead of struggling with him to do 1 page, he has voluntarily done 2 or 3 pages of writing and math (Singapore Earlybird 2A) every day. Today he worked on the letter K and even drew a little koala at the bottom of the page. I was so excited!
This has been a very long weekly report. If you have actually made it this far, thank you so much

By Kristen H.