Teaching Multiple Ages – Part 3

For the last two weeks, I’ve been discussing different aspects of teaching multiple ages of children. In part 1, I mentioned choosing curriculum that would assist you in teaching multiple levels by utilizing a combination of curricula that combined children and worked for independent learning. Last week, in part 2, I provided some basic philosophies…

Photo Published

Yesterday morning while I was getting ready for church, my husband came running into the room with the newspaper. Our local paper had asked for amateur photos taken in the Smokies, so I decided to send in a few. They actually printed one of mine! (And they only printed 6.)Though not a major paper by…

Family Hike

Yesterday my family went to Grayson Highlands State Park in southwestern Virginia. It is one of our favorite places to hike because a great deal of the hike is along a treeless ridge, making for spectacular views. Yesterday we decided to try to hike along the Appalachian Trail to Mt. Rogers. That was an optimistic…

Living Memory

The following review is my latest contribution to Curriculum Choice. Many people today think that memorization is unimportant. They argue that anything that they need to know, they can look up on-line. But can a person be truly educated if he doesn’t "know" anything? I think not. We need knowledge in order to understand new…

Finishing Projects

There’s a new weekly homeschool/education meme hosted by Fivejs. She wants to know how you fill up your kids’ thirst for knowledge. In our house, we love doing hands-on projects. OK, let me rephrase that. The kids love doing hands-on projects. I am not so fond of the mess. But, I have found that nothing…

Finishing Projects

There’s a new weekly homeschool/education meme hosted by Fivejs. She wants to know how you fill up your kids’ thirst for knowledge. In our house, we love doing hands-on projects. OK, let me rephrase that. The kids love doing hands-on projects. I am not so fond of the mess. But, I have found that nothing…