One of my eleven stated goals in my previous post was to work on school planning. I’ve already picked out curriculum, so I just need to look through everything, determine a reasonable pace, and decide how often to teach each subject. Then I could start scheduling every assignment. But I don’t like to schedule too far ahead. Inevitably something comes up, or something takes longer than expected and then the schedule is all off. I like to get a general outline in place of each of the courses, but I do most of my planning weekly.
Here is my list of curricula for the upcoming year:
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Combined Subjects
We will be using Tapestry of Grace Year 2 . TOG includes History, Geography, Literature, Church History, and Art Appreciation for my 6th grade son, 4th grade daughter, and 2nd grade son.
For science we will be studying zoology using Apologia Elementary science. We completed parts of both the Flying Creatures and Land Creatures books last year. I hope to finish them both this year.
Independent Subjects
6th grade son
- Complete Singapore 6B
- Life of Fred – Fractions
- Life of Fred – Decimals and Percents
- Lials Basic College Math
4th grade daughter
- Complete Singpore 3B
- Singapore 4A and begin 4B
2nd grade son
- Complete Math Mammoth 1A this summer
- Math Mammoth 1B then unsure
Language Arts
6th grade son
- Our Mother Tongue – grammar practice
- Editor in Chief -mechanics practice
- TOG writing assignments – composition
- Spelling Power and Scripps Spelling Bee Words practiced on SpellQuizzer software
4th grade daughter
- Rod and Staff 5th grade English
- TOG writing assignments
- Spelling Power
2nd grade son
- First Language Lessons
- Handwriting without Tears – Printing Power
- Explode the Code
- Lots of reading practice!
Foreign Language
6th grade son
4th grade daughter
6th grade son
4th grade daughter
I must admit that after reading this, I’m having one of those what was I thinking moments! This really looks like a lot. This doesn’t include all the Homeschool Crew Review Products we’ll be using. The unknown Crew products are another reason why I am not going to make a detailed schedule for the year.

By Kristen H.
but I will say that we did not complete TOG Year 2 Redesigned this past year. We only completed the first 3 quarters of it. The Crew products were a big factor, but Year 2 is especially packed. I don't know how "in depth" you cover TOG nor do I really know what you will receive to review on the Crew this year. I'd say that what you have in mind is not unreasonable so long as you remain flexible and willing to set something aside for later.
Hi Kristen!
I must admit that I am really impressed with how prepared you already are for the coming school year! I guess I need to get off the computer and start getting mine planned as well! Thanks for sharing your information. For some reason, it motivates me and often gives me ideas for my own homeschool when I read about what others are doing. Thanks for sharing your info.! 🙂
Looks like you are going to have a great year. My daughter did the Zoology last year and loved it.
I've always heard such great things about TOG. I have a friend who is using it this year, so I'll be anxiously observing.
We are using Life of Fred and LOVING it! Have a great year!
Edited by probablytracy on Aug. 3, 2009 at 12:40 PM
Now this looks like a busy year. I guess this is what mine will look like in about 4 years. WOW!!!! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for participating in the NBTS Blog Hop!
We like the Mindbenders and Building Thinking Skills book, too. Hope you all have a great year!
I've heard good things about TOG.
We are using Life of Fred this year too!
Between the curriculum I use (Sonlight) and Home School Tracker Plus, I do have a full quarter to a full year's worth of lesson plans at my disposal, but I don't like to work with more than 5 day's worth at a time. 5 days is manageable to me, even if the unexpected comes up.
Thank you for sharing on the NBTS Blog Hop.
We're using many of the same resources!! Singapore math and LoF (we'll tackle the Fractions book this fall– I can't wait!), and Tapestry, too! Though we're using Year 3– it's a new addition for us 🙂 I've had my eye on ToG for ages now, and finally this year we're taking the plunge! I'd by lying if I said I wasn't a bit overwhelmed, but I'm terribly excited about the possibilities!
I hope you have a wonderful year… enjoy!