Jimmie posts beautiful examples of their nature studies.
The Handbook of Nature Study blog is the home of the outdoor challenges, which I keep thinking that someday I will do.
I’ve decided that what I do with nature study has a title. I’m a Nature Study Unschooler.
Here’s what I mean. Although we don’t have a formal “nature study time”, we actually do quite a bit of nature study.
We feed the birds (and other creatures)
We spend a lot of family time outdoors.
We even have a little aquarium.
So even though I’ve not implemented formal study like I would like, we are learning to appreciate God’s creation. I’m not going to feel guilty anymore. (yeah right)

By Kristen H.
Great Pictures. We take a similar approach to our Nature Study. 🙂
We spend a great deal of time outside, take walks, and when inspired we look up a bird or animal we've seen.
That is great! I too think *one day* I will do the Nature Study Challenge-sigh! I did decide to incorporate a little more focused time in this area this year. We'll see how it goes! Hope you have a blessed rest of the week!
Amanda K.
Yes! You are nature study unschoolers! That's a great definition. You know, nature study actually should be a normal part of our lives. But we're so technologically advanced and urban that we are not out in nature as much as before. So now we have to make it more deliberate. Well, I do!
I love the idea of nature study unschooling.
It makes so much sense. If we spend a lot of time outside, keep our eyes open, and occasionally look up something that interests us, we are doing nature study. Thank you so much for that insight.
Annie Kate
I think we're similar in this. I do love nature, as do my kids, but I've never been into a formal "nature study" curriculum other that Apologia's Zoology series. But still, we have bookshelf after bookshelf of great nature books (bird ID guide included) that are frequently perused by the kids. I think they're getting their nature study in, even though it's not "official".