I can’t believe it’s already November. I feel like I have never quite gotten into the swing of things this school year. My plan of "ramping up" to add all of our subjects hasn’t exactly worked. We didn’t get enough momentum to make it to the top of the ramp and apparently slid right back down to the bottom.
Don’t get me wrong. We’re getting the basics done. That seems to be what I’m good at. I can schedule the morning independent seat work. It’s just the afternoon fun stuff that doesn’t get done. So, I’m behind.
A big part of the problem is that I am simply trying to do too much.I know I can’t keep up with everything. It’s funny how widely varied my responses can be to stress. Sometimes I get depressed and shrink from the work that is calling me. I think I am scared that I won’t be able to do it even if I try, so if I don’t try, then I haven’t really failed. Silly logic, I know.
Other times when I’m stressed I get highly motivated. Usually it’s not to do the most important things, but I get really encouraged and excited about accomplishing small things that I’ve been neglecting. That’s where I am right now. I had a huge pile of reading on my nightstand. There were books that I had been putting off for a long time. Some were for reviews, some were just ones that I wanted to read, but was having a tough time getting though. I have been working through the pile and I’m down to 5 books. For some crazy reason that is encouraging to me.
I am also ending the day without any unfinished laundry. (I’m not talking about dirty clothes in the baskets, though that’s under control.) I frequently go to bed with a load of clothes still in the dryer. Sometimes I’ve got one in the washer too. I just feel so much better without half-done laundry hanging over me. (not literally, that would be really strange.) I also organized my daughters’ dresser drawers today and then my organizing mood carried over to my own room so I cleaned out one of our chests. Not exactly stuff that was on my urgent to-do list, but I feel amazingly relaxed.
So, with all that said, I’m going to go to bed with a good book.

By Kristen H.
Enjoy your book! I know just what you mean about stress and all that laundry. I have a stack of books to read that I just can't seem to get started on. Today I turned in all my library books and didn' t check out anymore. I'm hoping that will help to motivate me a little on the few books I now own, waiting to be read. We'll see how it goes.
I completely understand. When I'm feeling overwhelmed, organizing some area of my house helps enormously! Having an uncluttered house makes me feel better about my cluttered mind! 🙂
~Bekah H.
I have some seasonal "extra" things which are keeping me behind lately. I am trying to focus on the most important things. Which mostly involves me asking God for help doing what I need to and letting me see what that is! I am hoping to feel a little less stressed soon! 😉