What a week this has been. Certainly far from typical.
Monday was my birthday, so we took off school and I went to a day spa.
Well, not quite. We had a somewhat typical school day except that during the day I made myself a coconut cake and helped my children finish preparing for their book club presentations which were on…
This month each family presented on one of the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We chose By the Shores of Silver Lake. We chose it mainly because we had started it last February and never finished it. We actually finished the book. (That’s got to be some kind of record!) My son wrote his report on the book in general and included a little information about the Homestead Act. My daughter wrote about her favorite part of the book which was Christmas and made a display of the different types of birds mentioned in the book. We also made sourdough biscuits to share with the club. After book club we came home briefly before violin lessons. After violin, I rushed home, made a quick dinner of spaghetti then my husband took my son to basketball practice at 6:30. That was a long day.
Nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened during the day. We did finally finish a game of Life on the Farm (review coming soon.)
After dinner my husband and I began moving all this furniture
away from the walls in our living room so that on…
I could start painting.
At this point I was feeling a bit concerned about my color choice.
What a long day! I managed to get 2 coats of paint done and fell into bed exhausted.
I painted the trim in the living room and began to try to catch up on laundry. It feels great to be finished. Of course I still have to move all the furniture back!

By Kristen H.
Happy Birthday! Two of my kids are November babies as well. I love the paint color, it looks great. Hope you have a blessed weekend and a great week.
What a wonderful change! Paint can really lift the atmosphere of a room can't it?
Ha ha! That's how we celebrate birthdays when we're moms. 🙂
Looks like a busy week!
Happy, happy birthday to you! I love the paint color! It's very warm and inviting, gorgeous!
It looks great! Happy B-day!
Belated happy birthday!!! (and YUM on the coconut cake!)
I love the color you picked, although, in the beginning stages photo, it does look a bit iffy! Love the finished product!
Happy belated birthday. I do like the paint color. You are doing a fine job there. My hat to you. I am not good at these things.
Hi Kristen,
I got your message on my blog. Didn't know the best way to respond. I responded to your reply on FiveJ's and included a link to a website that should really help you figure out if your son has dyslexia. A great book to read to find out the biological causes of dyslexia is called Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz. But I'd stick with the website for now. If you can find the time, she has an awesome free webcast of a seminar she gives to parents about how to determine if your child is dyslexic. I highly recommend it. When I watched it did it over the course of a couple of days, minimizing it when I needed to.
The program I used for my dyslexic son was Barton Reading and Spelling System. There is a short review of how it works on the above website. It teaches the 6 different types of syllables AND teaches awesome spelling rules (that all of my homeschooling friends are envious of. My DYSLEXIC son outspells all of his peers!). The program is expensive, but it WORKS (I spent so much time and money on programs that didn't work) and it comes with the best customer support out there. Anytime I have a question about the program (or dyslexia in general) I email or call the developer of the system and she replies. That's incredible. When you're done with the program you can sell it on ebay and get almost full price for it. The way I promote the program, you might wonder if I get a commission or something. NOPE. It is just something that has changed my son's life, and I am highly passionate about it. My smart son struggled for years and felt so stupid. This is a program that was finally able to teach him to read. My heart goes out to everyone out there struggling, and I just want to help.
As far as AAS, it's a nice program but in my opinion is not enough to teach a dyslexic to read. Yes, it has the tiles (like Barton does), but the actual methodology isn't as strong as Barton. It's main purpose is to teach spelling, and it's pretty good for that (though it lacks the catchy names of spelling rules, such as Barton's Kiss the Cat rule for knowing when to use a c or k. If I ask my sons to tell me the Kiss the Cat rule, they spout it out with no problem.) Another thing I don't like about AAS is having the kid learn ALL the sounds of a letter right away, before they learn when and WHY the letter makes the different sounds. It's too confusing, especially for dyslexics.
I think that's a long enough comment for now!!!
I just wanted to tell you I really like your new color choice – what a great, warm color!
Happy Birthday and hope you had a great one. Coconut cake sounds super yummy!
I think your paint color looks great. I love it!
Aren't birthdays fun??? I have one coming up soon too. Great color choice and I love the Little House books.
ChefPenny@ Our Crazy Adventures in Autismland
I LOVE the color! It looks great!
Your color choice is very nice.
Your house is lovely!
Mrs. White
The color looks great!
I have to admit, you had me going for a second there on the taking off school and going to a day spa! Oh, wouldn't that be relaxing? 🙂 Okay, so neither one of us has time for that, do we? 😉