I was reading my friend Crazy Mom’s blog and I noticed a pretty neat meme she did last week. It’s Five Question Friday. So, since this is Friday I went over and found 5 new questions.
1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
Honestly, I was a pretty good kid. There were definitely some things I did that I shouldn’t, but I didn’t get caught, so I’m not saying what they are now!
2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I’m sort of in between. I get up early but spend the morning in a fog. I guess I’m more of an afternoon person.
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter?
I’m a completely uncool person who does not text. It wouldn’t be cost-effective on my pay-as-you-go cell phone.
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).
I’m a registered Republican, but I’m pretty disgusted with politicians in general.
5. Are you a pet person?
I love cats. But we don’t have one. And my husband doesn’t want another cat after the last couple of years of our previous cat’s existence where she spitefully didn’t use her litter box. So, I guess the answer is no.
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By Kristen H.
Wow! I am a mom of 4 as well. I don't text, I have a super cheap'O pay as you go phone. And I LOVE cats!
Have a great day!
Cute meme!! But come on…you can tell us your youthful misdeeds…we won't squeal…scout's honor!
C'mon!! Fess up!
Tru' nuff, 'bout politicans, huh?
I'm new to texting…and darn did it get addicting quick! Bugger…at least I have an "unlimited" plan…my to my hubby's chagrin!
Good answers!!
Have a great weekend!
I also stubbornly do not text. I am also a registered Republican yet pretty disgusted with politics lately. But I am allergic to cats, though in general I like pets. Yet with 5 kids and our busy life, I am stubbornly refusing to get another pet right now. 😉
My 2 year old fell down the last couple of steps and now I don't recall the other answers. (The 2 year old is okay. :))