It’s Tuesday evening of my week-long spring break and I feel like I’ve gotten nothing done! I’ve actually gotten a lot done, I just haven’t touched any of the school planning.
Yesterday afternoon I took the kids to 4H. The kids did paper bag presentations. I was proud of my little guy standing up and showing his bug glasses and bug vacuum. I think after 6 months, I am finally figuring out how the project records are supposed to work. It helped immensely that I got to see several different project record books. There is so much opportunity in 4H, I just have to figure out how to coordinate it with our school and other activities.
Today I did my monthly menu planning and grocery shopping. After I got home from 2 hours at Wal-mart, I spent some time chatting with Rand Peterson of Peterson Directed Handwriting. I will be trying out the program with my younger son. It is a very intriguing theory of writing. I haven’t had enough time to digest everything yet.
Speaking of digesting, I made 2 quiches this afternoon: one for dinner and one for the freezer. Right after assembling the quiches I had to take my daughter to violin lessons and swing by the library before coming home for dinner.
This morning I posted this week’s Blog Cruise for the Homeschool Crew. The topic is homeschool burnout. I think I need to carefully read everyone’s advice! We’re also talking about homeschool conferences this week on The Company Porch. Be sure and visit to see what everyone thinks about conferences. You can even link up your own blog post.
Speaking of homeschool conferences, if you haven’t signed up for the Schoolhouse Expo, you really need to! I am very excited about the speakers and am looking forward to learning and being encouraged in my homeschooling adventure. I hope to see you there!

By Kristen H.