I have a confession to make.
I’m addicted to office and school supplies.
OK, so maybe that wasn’t such a dramatic revelation. It seems that many homeschoolers have this affliction.
But I have an additional problem. I tend to horde them.
I don’t know if it’s my perfectionist nature that causes me to want to save my really neat things to use with just the “perfect” project. It could have a little to do with being cheap frugal.
I am almost embarrassed to say how excited I was to receive my free samples from Glue Dots and Twitter Moms for the Summer Bonding Project. I got Craft Glue Dots, Mini Glue Dots, and Removable Glue Dots both in the sheets and the dispenser.
The agreement was that I had to submit my Summer Project in exchange for my free Glue Dots. But if I’m going to submit a project, it had better be really great! The best! Uh. Right. But what in the world can I use these terrific Glue Dots for that is original and worthy of submission?
I was not able to come up with something really creative and outstanding. What I did was quite ordinary. Actually it was so ordinary that I think it helped me to overcome some of my tendency to horde my fun office supplies.
Here it is.
My 3 year old decided to remove the name plate from my 30+ year old piano. And so it sat. For about a month. I thought about using wood glue, but I couldn’t figure out how to clamp it to hold it in place. Then I remembered my Glue Dot dilemma. I read the package on the Craft Glue Dots and this sounded like a great application.
Here is the back of the name plate with the Glue Dots in a neat little row.
Here is my completed project. The name plate is back in place, and I don’t have an ugly glue spot on my piano anymore. The whole project took about 60 seconds!
The moral of the story is don’t horde your supplies for something special. Use them!
Glue Dots are on Facebook! Visit their Fan Page.
Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Glue Dots blogging contest to be eligible to receive a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

By Kristen H.
That is great. I tend to do that too, buy lots of things, and never use them unless its for something ‘special’. Good way to use them. 🙂
Priceless!! I love it!
Great idea! Glad you found a clever way to glue that nameplate back on the piano.
I’ve never heard of glue dots before. I’ll have to check into it. I had to laugh because I can so relate to saving something to use for the perfect time instead of using that now. Dare I list all the things I’ve done that with?
You’ll love the Glue Dots Laurie!
I’m laughing as I read your article. I can’t horde since I don’t live in a place where all these great stores are and so. But I do tend to hold on to the precious things from office supply stores that I bring back to Brazil instead of using them like you said.
What a great post!
I know exactly how you feel! I love the supplies but am afraid to use them up LOL. Just this past year I have been trying VERY hard to actually use them up and let my hubby and son use them too. It is so much nicer using them all! I make a project and am always so impressed LOL. Good luck in the contest!
Hi, thought I would bop over here whilst on the Tuesday Blog walk -nice to meet ya! LOL…thanks dear for all the work you do for HSB and on the crew!
Too funny! Glad you found a great use for them! I use these in scrapbooking. 🙂