I’ve posted several different times on how we organize our homeschool supplies. We don’t have a school room, but we do school mainly in the dining room and kitchen. We also use the living room for reading and my older daughter likes to work at her desk in her room.
Over the years I’ve used several different systems for holding my children’s workbooks. We started out with these boxes under the baker’s rack in our dining room.
Then I changed to these hanging file folders in file boxes.
But last year I won a Guidecraft library cart from Homeschool Creations. I really, really love it.
So here is my library cart. It’s mostly organized to start school. On the top shelf on the left are my oldest son’s books. The right side has my oldest daughter’s books, and there is a box to hold items to be checked in the middle. On the second shelf are boxes that hold my 2nd son and 2nd daughter’s workbooks. The bottom shelf has various manipulatives and educational toys. One the top shelf in the back are my teacher’s guides. The second shelf holds books that we will use for Tapestry of Grace during the year. I have a basket to store them in the living room while they are being read. (I have reworded this sentence over and over, but I still can’t get it right!) The basket holds them when we’re not actually reading them, but I don’t store books we need very often on the back of the cart.
And the baby may have to spend a lot of time in the laundry basket this year for us to get anything done!

By Kristen H.
I use those same file boxes! I like them because I can close them up and take them with me when we visit grandparents, etc.
We have a school room, but we often end up at our kitchen table, too!
Putting the baby in a laundry basket! How come I never thought of that? What a cutie!
Have a great year of learning together! 🙂
I quite like the library cart. Looks super-handy!
Love the picture of your baby in the basket! lol
I noticed on your shelf that you have Rod & Staff Books. Do you normally use this and how do you like them?