I’ve heard that e-mail is on its way out. Younger people don’t even use it anymore. I guess I am officially “not young” because I get a lot of e-mail. I mean a lot.
You may be wondering why a homemaker like me gets so much e-mail. I haven’t done a statistical analysis or anything, but most of it I ask for. I’m in more Yahoo groups than I can count, Facebook e-mails me whenever someone comments on my status or comments on someone else’s status that I commented on, I get blog comments (though I’d sure love to get more of those!), promotional e-mails, and even a few e-mails from actual people!
I also get quite a few newsletters e-mailed to me from various ministries and homeschool organizations.
I’m going to be honest here.
Are you ready?
I don’t read all my e-mail!!!
Shocking, huh?
I have a little button on the top right corner of my keyboard that says “delete”. I use it quite a lot.
Why don’t I just unsubscribe from things I don’t read? I could do that, but I do skim through most things to see if it’s something I want to read. Most of the things I’ve signed up for have at least occasional merit, or else I wouldn’t have signed up in the first place.
As much as I like talking about organizing and time management, that is actually not what this post is about. It’s about an e-mail that I actually read. Specifically, it’s about Encouraging Moments from Eternal Encouragement Magazine.
Each issue of Encouraging Moments begins with a brief devotional note from Lorrie Flem. But don’t let the shortness fool you. There’s a lot of meat in her short message. Maybe they should have called it Convicting Moments!
Along with the note from Lorrie, you’ll find Drastic Discount Days which highlights the current specials at the Eternal Encouragement store, a portion of a Facebook conversation from the week, a Timely Tip, and a link to the weekly Chick Flick for Mom.
You may be wondering what a Chick Flick is. I know I was. Chick Flicks are short videos by Lorrie Flem that might provide a helpful parenting tip, spiritual encouragement for moms, or a useful illustration on marriage. I loved this week’s Flick where Lorrie shares a little poem written by another mom that can be used to help little children learn obedience. She also shares about the CRIJ acronym for obedience training. It stands for Completely, Respectfully, Immediately, and Joyfully. I have to confess that we often don’t see that kind of obedience in our home. I’m so happy that I have this tool now to help teach my children. I even shared it with my pastor’s wife on Sunday!
If you would like to receive Encouraging Moments in your inbox, be sure to visit www.HomemakingWithTEACH.com. You can sign up at the top right hand corner of the page. I think you’ll find yourself reading it before using the delete key!
Disclaimer: I am reviewing Encouraging Moments as an official member of The Gabby Moms blogging program for Eternal Encouragement magazine. I did not receive compensation for this post and all opinions are solely my own.

By Kristen H.
Good review! Keep hitting that delete button on unnecessary e-mails. Just don’t delete Encouraging Moments until you’ve read through all the good things it has to offer. 🙂
You gave me a chuckle b/c i have asked myself the same question, “Why don’t I just unsubscribe to what I don’t read?” Like you, I skim those. Occasionally, finding some really good information, too.
Thanks for your review,
Jada another Gabby Mom
very cute little poem! maybe it will work with my boys!!! i’m feelin ya about the email- same story every day!
My inbox currently has over 6000 unread messages. I do skim over what I want to open and I do delete a lot too (obviously not enough. . .). THis is a very nice poem I might teach it to my boys. Thanks for sharing.
Oh my! I couldn’t handle that. I’m somewhat obsessive about opening the e-mail and skimming/deleting, filing, or holding in the inbox for action. I like to keep my inbox at 50 or less. It does get higher than that of course. It’s at 95 right now. But I’m in the process of going through it.
hahaha, thanks for the confession….I don’t read all mine either 🙂 Infact, I spend time each week, cleaning out my email accounts. I hate clutter!
fellow Gabby Mom
I’m guilty of not unsubscribing to things as well for that very same reason. 😉 I never know when there will be a little gem in those emails. 🙂
I love the clip of Lorrie! Great job!
Fellow Gabby mom sis
I get quite a bit of email, too, and since I don’t have a cell phone that will text, I guess I’m really “old school.” Oh, well. I’m still happy! And I do still like email! 🙂
Julieanne (fellow Gabby Mom)
Nice review 🙂
Carie (another Gabby Mom)
Doesn’t CRIJ just rock your world?! I know the first time I heard it I was thinking, “That makes so much sense!” Now if my kids just appreciated its wonderfulness as much as I do!
Nice review1
Head Mama
Wow! I love the CRIJ and we will talk about it today! We were just working on obedience again yesterday. Thanks for sharing this, it might have to be a new subscription for me, too, even though my mailbox gets full every now and then! 🙂
I loved that CRIJ poem too, Ive been trying to implement that sort of behavior here and I think having that rhyme to remind them will be helpful. :0) I skim my emails too and I cant stand for them to build up. Coming home from a weeks vacation last year with no email access was killer! Haha! Love your post :0)
What a great review, I loved the big picture of Lorrie you attached. The chick flicks are so fun! I keep trying to teach CRIJ to my boys, but keep stumbling over the rhyme…I may need to learn it myself first!
Katie, fellow Gabby Mom