I recently agreed to write a weekly column for The Christian Home. Mrs. White at The Legacy of Home started the carnival a few months ago. When she asked for volunteers for dedicated columnists, I hesitated. Did I really need one more thing to add to my list of responsibilities? Honestly, I’m struggling to keep up. But as I think over my priorities, blogging is still high on my list. So a weekly column helps me to actually do what I want to do anyway.
I sent a list of 3 or 4 possible columns for The Christian Home that I felt qualified to write. Then Mrs. White informed me she had selected me to write the column on Finances. First, I felt privileged to have been selected. Then the doubts began to set in.
I’m going to be writing on finances?
But I’m not a financial expert!
I don’t create meals for my family on less that $1.
I don’t find designer fashions at thrift stores for pennies.
I don’t buy $300 worth of groceries for $0.75 after coupons.
What do I know about finances?
I know that dealing with money is an important part of Christian living and that the Bible speaks about money in many passages of scripture.
I’ve seen God work in our finances many times.
My family has lived on one relatively small income for 13 years.
My prayer is that this column will be an encouragement to other Christian mothers, and that God will use it to His glory. I’m excited to see where this project will take me.
Please share any specific financial topics you’d like to see here. I’m always open to suggestions!
Please read this week’s edition The Christian Home.

By Kristen H.
I think contentment and trust are two topics that would be helpful to learn more about when it comes to the area of finances.
Contentment – I have learned I can save a lot of money for our family when I am simply content with what the Lord has given me.
Trust – For instance, buying a bunch of anything just because it is on sale, is not a good thing all the time. I have found that I have to trust the Lord for my “daily bread.” I have to buy only two weeks worth of groceries (because this is what our budget allows), and trust that when I go back the Lord will provide exactly what we need.
I would like to see more of a Spiritual application to our finances – being content, thankful, and trusting in this area. I have paraphrased Mt. 6:33 like this for several years…If I seek Christ FIRST, everything will fall into place, and my needs will be met.
I look forward to whatever you share. I am sure it will be a blessing to many.
I love Nikki’s suggestions.
Other ideas that come to mind… teaching kids (especially teens) about how to manage your resources; little changes to help stay on budget; maybe even budgeting for the budge phobic!
Congratulations on being a featured columnist, too!
Well I would say that having lived on a relatively small income for 13 years makes you an expert on that!
you go girl!!!!!
Hi, I’m right there with you.
God bless and we will grow as we go.
d from homehaven