Academics are an important part of our homeschool. We have high standards and I make no apologies for that. But as we work hard, we try to remember 1 Corinthians 10:31:
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
God’s glory and serving God have always been the #1 priority of our homeschool and our lives.
At least that is our highest priority on paper.
I confess that it hasn’t always been my highest priority in practice. And there is a word for saying one thing and acting in a different way. It’s called hypocrite.
It’s not hard for kids to recognize. They can see it much easier than I could see it in myself. Β And it’s so very dangerous.
But I am thankful that God is so gracious and merciful to me. He nudges me gently. (And sometimes not so gently.)
There were several things that I was “required” to read in the last month that God used mightily in showing me what my true priorities are.
One of them is this little book: How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids by Rachael Carman. Rachael begins the book with her own story of how she began homeschooling, and shares very openly the mistakes she made in trying to homeschool in her own power. She then begins to share 5 simple steps that will change your thinking about how your homeschool. She uses the acronym H.E.A.R.T.
H- Have a heart for the things of God
E- Enrich your marriage
A- Accept your kids
R-Release them to God
T-Teach them the Truth
I learned so much from this book. Well, learned is maybe not the right word. I have heard much of this before. I just wasn’t doing it. I was failing at the very first priority. I have to have a heart for the things of God! No wonder my kids weren’t having a heart for the things of God. I have to be a living, breathing example to them. I have to be more transparent with them. I have to demonstrate walking with God to them in a real way. I have to be faithful to Him. If I preach that to my children and fail to do it myself, I am a hypocrite!
I do not mean I have to be perfect. I also do not need to make my kids think I’m perfect. (That would be an impossible task anyway.) But I need to let them see my heart. And my heart needs to be focused on the things of God.
I have read the whole book and the other letters are just as powerful as the H. But H really spoke to me as I read the book the first time. I will be reading this again! (And in case you can’t tell, I highly recommend it to all homeschool moms.)
You can purchase this book from Apologia for $13.00.(Rachael and her husband Davis are the owners of Apologia Educational Ministries.) There is also a sample chapter available for free on the website.
You can read more reviews of How To Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids on the Homeschool Crew blog.
Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book as a member of TOS Homeschool Crew. I was not compensated for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

By Kristen H.
posting your blog on my blog sending people over to read your great post. Thanks for sharing. π
You are so welcome. It was definately a great read! π
Sounds like a great book, and some good tips to remember. π