Yesterday I posted about my insanely busy week. One of the things that I didn’t mention in that post was the weather turned cool on Friday. Thankfully, I knew the weather forecast ahead of time. But I had a problem.
Remember how I mentioned that my son had no fall clothes? We had a field trip scheduled for Friday. An outdoor one.
So, I found myself in a time crunch last week. In addition to everything else, I had to find jeans, a jacket, and sweats for my son before Friday.
So I decided that I would take my other son to his testing appointment and stop into one of the shopping centers nearby. The testing is in a different (unfamiliar) city, so I don’t know my way around very well. So I went driving through the nearby shopping centers only to discover there were no clothing stores!
But guess what I did find?
I was able to find a pair of jeans in my son’s size, and a jacket and pants set for his cross country meet. They happen to be dark blue too! (I also found myself a pair of jeans.) All for $18.75!
So after just last week sharing my worries about finding affordable clothes for my oldest son, God provided in a real and tangible way.
Obviously I need to buy more clothes, but I love how God gives us these little encouraging things. He is going to provide what we need! I knew it before, but He has increased my faith.
(Just a little side note. I accidentally published last week’s article before I meant to. I really didn’t want to give the impression that this was a serious financial problem for us. I feel that maybe I sounded like we are desperate. We’re certainly not and didn’t want to imply that at all. I just wanted to talk about God’s provision and how we need to be careful about trying to figure out how God is going to provide for us.)
By Kristen H.
With four boys in the house that treat their clothes a bit rough, finding economical options is paramount for me as well. God provides, but we also have to be prudent with how we utilize our resources, too.
Glad you were able to find what you needed for your son.
God is so good to us, especially by giving us little reminders like that! Enjoy the blessing of seeing those clothes all winter long.
Annie Kate