I have been writing product reviews for over 3 years, and I still get excited about just about every item I receive to review. It’s a little bit like Christmas waiting for a new package.
But when I saw that some of the Homeschool Crew were going to receive a Guidecraft Hideaway Country Kitchen to review, I could hardly wait to see if I made the list. I showed the picture to my older daughter and she agreed immediately that her sister would love it! (I felt a bit of mommy guilt for never buying HER a neat kitchen.) I was so happy to see that I was among those chosen to review it.
After receiving the package, my older daughter and I got to work taking it out of the package and assembling it. At first I thought that I didn’t receive any assembly instructions, but I later found them folded up in the hardware package. The assembly, although I can’t call it easy, was reasonably straight-forward. My daughter and I completed all but the very last part without any assistance. (I should mention that I am always involved in putting together the furniture in our home, and we’ve assembled quite a few bookshelves and other items over the years.) My older son has put together a video of the assembly process. Right after that you can see my daughter telling about the kitchen. You really need to watch it because my daughter is so cute. Plus you can see me moving way faster than I ever do in real life!
As you can tell, she really likes the kitchen.
I like it too. First, it is very sturdy. This will definitely stand up to years of play. I also like the appearance. It is not a tacky looking plastic kitchen, but looks more like a piece of furniture. I like that we can use it to store items that we already owned. All of the play dishes and play food fit inside the kitchen, making it very convenient for play, yet easy to clean up.
The thing that makes this kitchen unique is that is folds up! The whole kitchen folds so that it can be stored under a bed.
In our case, I doubt we’ll be using this feature much. But there are several situations where I think it would be handy.
- Folding would make it easier to move.
- Children do tire of toys and putting things away for a season and then bringing it back out later makes it seem “new” again.
- If you have a large age gap between children, it would be nice to store the kitchen while you’re waiting for the next child to grow into it.
- If you are a grandparent and want to have a great toy for your grandchildren to use when they’re visiting, but want to be able to put it out of sight when they’re not, then this is the ideal toy kitchen.
My daughter and I are very pleased with this kitchen. Thank you Guidecraft! The kitchen is available from Guidecraft for $200.
Disclosure: I received a Hideaway Country Kitchen for free to review. I was not compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

By Kristen H.
Wow – you guys made that look so easy!
I loved the video. I could seriously take that little girl of yours and keep her – she’s just so stinkin’ cute!
Well, there’s a reason it was sped up! We actually had put it away for the evening, but my husband came home and wanted to finish it. I was having trouble getting the last part put together. Sorry, but you can’t have her, lol. We think she is cute and hilarious too.
I agree w/Heidi. You made putting it together look so easy.
I enjoyed the video and it looks like you have a winner w/this one. All three of my children are also enjoying playing w/the kitchen.
Your daughter is so cute…and a great reviewer already! I love the speedy setup video too. 🙂
She is such a little ham for the camera. I had nothing to do with that part. My son did the video. I wasn’t even in the room.
I loved the video! If only we moms could move that fast all day, I’d get so much more done! Your daughter is just adorable.
Sometimes I feel like I’m moving that fast, but not accomplishing anything. We think she’s adorable too. (most of the time!)
LOVE your review and the video is just precious. Your little girl is adorable! 😀
Thank you so much Brenda! She really loves it.
Cool! The video was great too 🙂
That video is so cute! I am glad she likes it so much.
Oh, WOW! The video was amazing! I didn’t even get photos of the assembly. Wish I had.
Your daughter did a great video review. I’m very impressed. 🙂 But my Trina wanted to know what she was doing playing with OUR kitchen. LOL