As homeschoolers we have the ability to take time out and go down rabbit trails with our children as they discover things that interest them. I want my children to find something they’re passionate about and hopefully be able to convert that into a career. And even if they aren’t able to use their passion…
CapJaxMathFax Review
Learning math facts brings up images of studying boring flash cards. And I don’t just mean boring for the kids! I really do think drilling math facts is important, but it has not been something that I’ve made enough time to work on with my kids. It takes time and my time is spread really thin…
Go Science at Library and Educational Services
Science experiments. We really don’t get along. It all started in the 9th grade when I caught the towel on fire in the lab. I seem to have struggled with science labs ever since. And I’ve taken a lot of lab classes. I don’t know what it is about me, maybe I’m just bad luck…
Judah Bible Curriculum
I am extremely particular when it comes to choosing a Bible curriculum. In fact, I’m so particular, that we’ve never actually used any Bible curriculum for very long. There are several things that are absolute musts for me: I will not use an over-simplified fill-in-the-blank type Bible program. These might be useful for teaching Bible…
Balance Math Teaches Algebra!
I don’t think I’ve made it a secret that I’m a math geek. I love algebra, especially word problems. And even though I call(ed) myself a classical educator, I’ve differed in my philosophy of math education. I’ve always stressed conceptual understanding over computational skills. (In hindsight maybe I should have stressed computational skills and memorization…
Write with WORLD Review
Have you heard of WORLD magazine? It’s a Christian news magazine, published every other week. I’m not a subscriber, but I have read a few articles, and it is a high quality magazine. WORLD magazine is entering the curriculum business, and what could be more fitting than with a writing curriculum? This paragraph from the introduction…
TruthQuest Homeschool History Curriculum
Warning. I’m going to begin this review in an unconventional way. I’m going to begin by telling you who should not use TruthQuest Homeschool History curriculum. You should not use TruthQuest History if: You want a daily schedule with exact pages to read. You want a weekly plan with a list of suggested books. Your student…
Action Alert Review
I love technology. My husband loves technology. Most of my children love technology. I don’t even want to admit how many computers we own. I love the quick access to information. I love the ability to communicate with people on-line. But I recognize that the internet is a dangerous place. It requires much wisdom and…
Progeny Press – Across Five Aprils Review
I’ve always loved to read, but the study of literature has never been easy for me. I think a lot of that is because I was never really taught how to analyze literature in school. I remember studying the basics like characters and plot, but finding the theme is still a difficult task for me.…
Art of Argument Review
Early in our homeschool days, we were introduced to the idea of classical education. My husband and I were immediately hooked on the concept. We started our oldest son learning Latin in the 2nd grade. As time progressed, we continued on the classical education path, though in a more relaxed manner than we had originally…