K5 Learning is an on-line program for students from kindergarten through grade 5. Designed to be used by students for after-school practice, it is also works well in a homeschool setting. K5 provides lessons in reading, spelling, math, and math fact drill. I selected my almost 10 year old son to test K5 Learning. Officially,…
Reading Eggs Review
I have a 5 year old daughter who is very enthusiastic about learning to read. She’s also very enthusiastic about “playing” on the computer. And I confess, I’m very happy to let her play educational computer games. I just don’t have as much time to work with her as I would like. It’s hard to…
Beeyoutiful – Berry Well and Lip Balm Review
Beeyoutiful is a unique company offering a wide-range of health and beauty products made with all-natural ingredients. Their product line includes many supplements, and their website is very helpful in detailing the various benefits of the supplements. As a member of the Homeschool Crew, I was given the opportunity to review 2 of their products.…
The Foot Book – App Review
When I hinted to my husband almost 2 years ago that I wanted an iPod Touch, I just thought they looked neat. I had some on-line friends who had them, and they said they were useful for school and reading e-books. So I kind of mentioned how educational they were. I really didn’t think he…
The Virtual Curriculum Fair – Nuts and Bolts
It’s the last week for the Virtual Curriculum Fair. I’ve not participated as much I wanted to, but life kind of has a way of getting in the way. Appropriately enough, the topic this week is “Nuts and Bolts”. Since I love to organize and plan, I don’t think it’s a topic I can skip! A…
Blogging 101
I’ve done a fair amount of reading on what makes a good blog. I also read several very good homeschool blogs. And there is one thing that is consistently at the top of the list for what makes a good blog. Do you know what it is? Regular posting. They say that it isn’t necessary…
Thinking Mathematically – How I Choose Math Curriculum
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through an affiliate link, I will receive a small percentage of the sales price. As an elementary student I don’t remember being too fond of math. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t particularly like it either. I do remember shedding tears over division of fractions.…
R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish Review
As classical educators, we’ve invested a lot of our school-time studying Latin. There are many reasons why we’ve chosen Latin as our primary language to study, but we’ve always planned on adding Spanish to our curriculum later. (We did introduce some Spanish early with programs like Jump Start Spanish. And my younger daughter is completely…
It’s a New Year and a New Blog!
Yes, I know it’s January 3. It’s been a busy Christmas. Guess what one of my favorite gifts was? This new blog! I’ve wanted to have a self-hosted blog for several years now, but I finally took the plunge. Everything is not finished yet, but rather than allow my perfectionist self to keep procrastinating, I…
Pitsco Medieval Machines Pack #hsreview
Do you have a future engineer in your home? A model lover? How about a history buff? Or a child who is interested in wars or weapons? The Pitsco Medieval Machines Pack is a fantastic resource for any of the above students and many more. Designed to be used by students about 5th grade and up, this…