I’m so excited that my first article has been published in The Old Schoolhouse magazine’s latest issue. I was privileged to interview Dr. Mary Hood, who is the founder of Relaxed Homeschooling (the term anyway). Direct Link to the Dr. Hood interview Let me know what you think. Are you a relaxed homeschooler? By Kristen…
The Real “Cost” of Convenience Foods
As a frugal homeschool mom, I’m not supposed to use any convenience foods. I should be growing most of my own food, right? Or I could be some sort of extreme couponer and then it would be OK to buy convenience foods since I’d have purchased them for essentially nothing. I’m afraid that’s not the…
Planning, planning, planning
Time flies when you’re having fun, and I have been having fun planning our school year. I am still far from finished, but I have gotten a lot done. We’re going to be using Tapestry of Grace Year 3 for our History, Geography, Literature, and Church History studies next year. This is my first year using…
Where is my heart?
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. –…
Curriculum Plans
I’ve updated my curriculum page with what we’re planning on using next year. (I don’t have all the links done yet though.) As I read through it, I get a little very nervous. It is going to take some serious coordination on my part to accomplish these goals. The two oldest children do most of…
Should We Pray for Casey Anthony? —Guest Post
I don’t do a lot of guest posts on my blog. Actually, I don’t know that I’ve ever had a guest. (But if anyone is interested, let me know.) Today’s guest is someone very special to me. It’s my husband! (So how could I turn him down?) He had a blog post he had to…
Mining the Hard Drive or Freebie Amnesia
I’m a nut for freebies. I’ve been downloading really great free homeschooling resources for years. And forgetting to use them… I hope I’m not the only homeschooler who has freebie amnesia. This afternoon I went through the files on my laptop and my external hard drive and I dug up some real gems that will…
Money Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Craker
It seems that the Amish lifestyle is a hot topic these days. In our fast-paced, modern society, we miss what the Amish have: family, community, and simplicity. But although there is a trend towards people simplifying their lives, I don’t think many people are becoming Amish. However, the basic frugal principles that the Amish follow…
Whose Shoes are you Trying to Fill?
When I was a relatively new wife, I enrolled in an excellent class at our church. It was called Helpmeet. The title was taken from Genesis 2:18– And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. The course taught women…
NaturExplorers Review-Fruits and Nuts by Cindy West and Melissa Leach
I may have mentioned a time or two about how much I struggle with actually doing nature study. Science has been somewhat inconsistent as well. Why it is so hard is kind of a mystery to me. I like science and I love nature. (Although I’m not real big on temperature extremes, so that does…