The Core is the latest book by Leigh Bortins, the founder and CEO of Classical Conversations. Even though I knew a little about Classical Conversations because there are several groups in my area, I have never been involved in a group, or even attended an informational meeting. All the information I had was from members,…
4H Presentations and Discovery Place
Yesterday we went to Charlotte for my older children’s first ever 4H presentations at District Activity Day. My daughter’s presentation was on candle making. My son talked about Digital Photo Manipulation. Both of them were awarded Bronze medals for their category and age group. (I won’t mention how many they were competing against, but it…
Spring Reading Thing Conclusion
This is the first day of summer! I can’t believe how quickly June has flown by. I also can’t believe how extra hot it has been this spring. We’ve had weeks of 90+ temperatures already. That usually doesn’t happen until July. It has been a very busy spring for me. I accepted the job as…
Garage Sale Learnings
Make sure you have good signs. We modified some Dollar Store signs, so they weren’t as big as they should have been. Plus, after wondering why no one had come for the first 2 hours of the sale, my husband discovered that the 2 signs directing people into the neighborhood had both fallen down! Count…
The Great Cleanout Continues
Tomorrow is my garage sale. I can’t believe I actually managed to sort through almost everything I planned to and collect things to sell. I have almost finished with assigning prices to everything. Now hopefully people will show up and buy things! Since I was in decluttering mode, I took a look at my stack…
Our Most Influential Homeschooling Book
When I saw that this week The Homeschool Village was asking “What book has encouraged/supported you in your homeschooling adventure??”, the book that immediately came to mind was The Well-Trained Mind.(Yes, I see the pun and decided to keep it.) When I first started researching homeschooling, I found a curriculum that I fell in love…
Comic Mnemonics by Jim Sarris
We’ve always planned on having our children learn Spanish. It is a very useful language to know in many parts of the U.S., including our area of North Carolina. We even purchased Rosetta Stone software when our children were younger. We haven’t made learning Spanish a priority though, so they’ve learned very little. Even though…
Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz, M.D.
I began to suspect that my younger son (8 years old) is dyslexic last fall. I don’t remember exactly how and why I began to be suspicious. Certainly the fact that he was still struggling to blend simple words together at 7-1/2 was disconcerting. I think it was when I was reviewing materials from AVKO…
Decluttering Plans
I’ve decided that to encourage myself to declutter, I’m going to have a garage sale. And I’m going to have it on the Saturday after this one. If I declutter and clean one room a day, that ought to leave me enough time to price everything . I’ll start at the top of the house…
Last day of school, last day of school, last day of school!
Can you tell I’m excited? It has been quite a year for us, and honestly I am ready for a break! There were many things that I think went well this year, and many that went not so well. Maybe abysmal is a good description. This was my second year on the Homeschool Crew, and…