We had another good week of schooling. We didn’t start quite as early as I had planned, but we still did all start together. I’m thinking of tweaking our start time a little so my oldest, who is a night person, can get a little more sleep. I’m still undecided on that, so I will…
Five Question Friday
I was reading my friend Crazy Mom’s blog and I noticed a pretty neat meme she did last week. It’s Five Question Friday. So, since this is Friday I went over and found 5 new questions. 1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager? Honestly, I was a pretty good kid. There were…
52 Books in 52 Weeks – Week 2
It’s week 2 of the 52 book reading challenge and I read 2 books this week! The first one was Homeschooling for the Rest of Us by Sonya Haskins. I reviewed this book for Curriculum Choice. The second book I read was A Flaw in the Blood by Stephanie Barron. I enjoyed her Jane Austen…
Islam Study
We finished our Islam study in Tapestry of Grace Year 2. (And yes, we are tremendously behind in history, but we’re moving forward now!) We discussed Muhammad and his life, as well as the basic tenets of the Islam faith. We looked at pictures of mosques, and built our own model. My daughter made a…
Islam Study
We finished our Islam study in Tapestry of Grace Year 2. (And yes, we are tremendously behind in history, but we’re moving forward now!) We discussed Muhammad and his life, as well as the basic tenets of the Islam faith. We looked at pictures of mosques, and built our own model. My daughter made a…
KinderBach is a beginning piano curriculum for preschool and early elementary children. It introduces elementary musical concepts such as rhythm, loud and soft, and high and low, as well as teaching the names of the musical notes on the keyboard. The main component of the program is the video lessons. Along with the video…
KinderBach is a beginning piano curriculum for preschool and early elementary children. It introduces elementary musical concepts such as rhythm, loud and soft, and high and low, as well as teaching the names of the musical notes on the keyboard. The main component of the program is the video lessons. Along with the video…
Uncharted territory
Do you know how sometimes you know something but since no one has really told you, you can kind of pretend you don’t know or hope that maybe it’s not as bad as you think it is? Well, now I can’t pretend. I really know. It’s really worse than I thought. My 7 year old…
Bertie’s War by Barbara Tifft Blakey
Bertie’s War is a novel about a 7th grade girl growing up in the turbulent times of the early 1960’s. Bertie is at the confusing age between child and young woman. In many ways she is still a child and enjoys imaginary play. However, she uses her play to escape from reality. The book focuses…
Bertie’s War by Barbara Tifft Blakey
Bertie’s War is a novel about a 7th grade girl growing up in the turbulent times of the early 1960’s. Bertie is at the confusing age between child and young woman. In many ways she is still a child and enjoys imaginary play. However, she uses her play to escape from reality. The book focuses…