We had a good week, but I seem to have caught a bit of spring fever and summer-itis. We managed to do our core subjects this week, but failed to do any Tapestry of Grace or Apologia science. (I mean none!) I am taking next week off for a little break. During the time, I…
Weekly Wrap Up (4/3/10)
We had a good week, but I seem to have caught a bit of spring fever and summer-itis. We managed to do our core subjects this week, but failed to do any Tapestry of Grace or Apologia science. (I mean none!) I am taking next week off for a little break. During the time, I…
Afternoon out
My mother-in-law is giving me an afternoon out tomorrow. She and my father-in-law watch the kids fairly often when I have a doctor’s appointment or some other appointment where taking the kids with me is inconvenient. But this is different. I didn’t ask for this. I don’t need her to watch the kids. She just…
Family Mint
I have been tremendously blessed in so many ways. But one important way is financially. No, we’re not rich. (On a little side note, have you ever noticed that no one will admit that they’re rich?) Well, I take that back, by American standards we are not rich. Compared to the vast majority of the…
Update from Home
Phew. I’ve been so busy lately with life, that I haven’t had time to blog about it. I guess that’s a good thing. Last week, my husband turned 40! This is the inside of the birthday card my older son (11) made for him. I made him a carrot cake that was delicious, though a…
Math Galaxy
When I look back over this year on the Homeschool Crew, I’ll always remember it as the math year — the on-line math year. I have had the opportunity to review lots of math products this year, and Math Galaxy was somewhat at a disadvantage with its review being later in the year. When I…
Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs
A mother who cannot face her future. A daughter who cannot escape her past. Lady Elisabeth Kerr is a keeper of secrets. A Highlander by birth and a Lowlander by marriage, she honors the auld ways, even as doubts and fears stir deep within her. Her husband, Lord Donald, has secrets of his own, well…
REAL Science Odyssey Chemistry by Pandia Press
Chemistry is one of those subjects that people seem to either love or hate. And I think most people hate it. I say this because my husband is a chemistry teacher, and after he meets someone and tells them he teaches chemistry, over 75% of them say “Yuck, I hated Chemistry.” OK, so maybe not…
Jane Austen by Peter Leithart
Thomas Nelson has introduced a new series of biographies called Christian Encounters. The purpose of the series is to "highlight important lives from all ages and areas of the church." The compact books are designed to provide an overall picture of the person’s life, rather than an exhaustive compilation. In recent years, I have discovered…
Jane Austen by Peter Leithart
Thomas Nelson has introduced a new series of biographies called Christian Encounters. The purpose of the series is to "highlight important lives from all ages and areas of the church." The compact books are designed to provide an overall picture of the person’s life, rather than an exhaustive compilation. In recent years, I have discovered…