What a great first week back to school! Over the break I had some time to think about why we weren’t getting as much done as we should be. I instituted (or re-instituted) some practices that had worked in the past. I realized that I’ve allowed myself to be influenced by how other people homeschool.…
The Gift of Dyslexia – Week 1
It’s one week into 2010, and I have managed to finish one book. This week I read The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis. It seems like a strange choice for the first book of the year, but I received it for Christmas and wanted to read it. It probably seems like a strange…
Swope’s Ridge by Ace Collins
Swope’s Ridge is the second book in the Lije Evans mystery series by Ace Collins. I previously reviewed Farraday Road, the first book. I was excited when I received the sequel from Zondervan to review, because Farraday Road has the sort of ending that makes sure you read the next book! Swope’s Ridge continues the…
Jean Welles Worship Guitar
I have no experience with playing the guitar. However, my oldest son has a small guitar that he has been teaching himself to play for a while. So when I received the Jean Welles Worship Guitar Class on DVD, I gave it right to him. The 4-volume program is designed for students ages 10-adult. (There…
Jean Welles Worship Guitar
I have no experience with playing the guitar. However, my oldest son has a small guitar that he has been teaching himself to play for a while. So when I received the Jean Welles Worship Guitar Class on DVD, I gave it right to him. The 4-volume program is designed for students ages 10-adult. (There…
Yesterday my son willingly practiced his Latin vocabulary. Even AFTER I told him he could stop. Needless to say, I was shocked. The reason…. Quizlet.com I had heard of quizlet.com, but hadn’t gotten around to figuring out how it worked or getting anything set up on it. I was lucky when I discovered someone else…
The One-Day Way by Chantel Hobbs
Summary The One-Day Way produces lasting results by taking you back to basics. No more complicated weight-loss strategies. No more expensive diet plans that achieve only temporary results. Instead, you will lose weight and get fit with Chantel Hobbs’s simple, high-energy meal plans and her at-home program for cardio exercise and strength training. She will…
2010 Goals
I’ve spent some time during the last two weeks thinking back over 2009. It was a wonderful year in many ways. I’ve made a lot of new on-line friends this year through blogging and my involvement with the TOS Homeschool Crew. My children are learning at home. We haven’t studied all that I had hoped…
2009 The Year in Review
Last year I did a Year in Review and posted the first sentence from the first blog post of each month. I decided to do it again this year. I did cheat a little and didn’t use the first post of the month if it was a review, but instead chose the first non-review post…
Christmas Celebrations
Here are some of my favorite Christmas pictures. They are not necessarily "good" pictures in the photographic sense, but represent something special to me. The kids and I did a lot of baking and we’ve eaten a lot of chocolate! Our church family went on a hayride through the Festival of Lights. Then we had…