I had just written up a fairly lengthy post when I hit the wrong button. It is kind of fitting with the way the rest of my day has been going. So rather than rewrite it; here is the last week and a half in pictures. The Thanksgiving table before the feast. We went on…
Weekly Wrap Up (12/4/09)
I had just written up a fairly lengthy post when I hit the wrong button. It is kind of fitting with the way the rest of my day has been going. So rather than rewrite it; here is the last week and a half in pictures. The Thanksgiving table before the feast. We went on…
All About Spelling Review
I have been hearing about All About Spelling for over a year now. It receives high praise on a popular homeschool message board, and it also was very popular with the crew members who reviewed the program last year. I confess I was a bit skeptical. I don’t like to make things more complicated than…
Thinking Games
I posted about our favorite logical thinking games at Curriculum Choice today. What are your family’s favorite games? By Kristen H.
Simple Spinach Salad
I like salad, but I really hate to make them. All the chopping and slicing tends to keep me from taking the time. Plus there’s the keeping a bunch of different vegetables around to use in the salad without them spoiling. I’m sad to say, I have thrown away way too many vegetables. Last year…
Exercise Tip
If you haven’t lifted weights for several weeks, and then are suddenly motivated on Monday after Thanksgiving to work-out, you will be very sore the next day. Just in case you know someone who might be crazy enough to try it. I’ll be crawling to the kitchen now… By Kristen H.
Our Christmas Traditions
Christmas time is a great time to be homeschooling. You can adjust your schedule to allow for the inevitable extra activities that come with the holiday season. Many homeschoolers take the whole month of December off or put aside the regular curriculum to do a Christmas unit study. I am planing on continuing our regular…
Farraday Road and On My Nightstand
Farraday Road is the first book in new Lije Evans mystery series by best-selling author, Ace Collins. Lije Evans is a lawyer in a small town in Arkansas. He becomes involved in the mystery of Farraday Road after a tragedy involving him and his wife. My thoughts: I received a copy of Farraday Road to…
Common Sense
Have you ever heard anyone say, “So-and-so is really book smart, but they don’t have any common sense?” I heard that more than once as a child… Said about me. I, of course, was offended and couldn’t believe that anyone could think that about me. And truthfully, I wasn’t lacking common sense to the extreme.…
Life on the Farm
My family really loves games. We already own a lot of games, but I am always looking for new ones for us to enjoy together. That’s why I was really excited when I found out I would be receiving Life on the Farm to review. Not being able to resist a new game, my daughter…