by Augustus M. Toplady From whence this fear and unbelief? Hath not the Father put to grief His spotless Son for me? And will the righteous Judge of men Condemn me for that debt of sin Which, Lord, was charged on Thee? Complete atonement Thou hast made, And to the utmost Thou hast paid Whate’er…
Grapevine Studies
Grapevine Studies is a unique Bible study program for all ages. Their slogan is “Stick-figuring through the Bible” because in all their studies, students do stick figure drawings to help them retain the information. Grapevine currently offers studies covering The Old Testament, The New Testament, Esther, Biblical Feasts and Holy Days, and The Birth of…
Weekly Wrap Up
It’s Friday and we’re wrapping up our first week of the new school year. I’m not going to say it’s been a great week. (You can check out my big downer post here.) But, we did get started, and there are a couple of things that seem to be working for us. I started my…
Weekly Wrap Up
It’s Friday and we’re wrapping up our first week of the new school year. I’m not going to say it’s been a great week. (You can check out my big downer post here.) But, we did get started, and there are a couple of things that seem to be working for us. I started my…
Harmony Fine Arts – Art and Music Appreciation
I had the opportunity to review the Harmony Fine Arts – Art and Music Appreciation program for The Curriculum Choice. If you’re looking for a way to incorporate picture study into your history curriculum, this can help. Harmony Fine Arts Review By Kristen H.
Our Homeschool Days
For the fourth week of the "Not Back to School" Blog Hop, we’re supposed to share about a typical day of school in our homes. We started our school year yesterday, and I’m purposely starting slowly. To be honest, when we started school yesterday, it seemed as if not a day had passed since we…
Quarter Mile Math
I confess that math drill, okay drill in general, has been a weak point in our homeschool. And I call myself a classical educator! I could give a million excuses, (not enough time, it’s boring, kids complain, I’m lazy….) but really none of them are good reasons to skimp on drill. I am especially sorry…
First Day of School
We’re starting our school year tomorrow! I don’t recall ever feeling quite so unready. I don’t know why I haven’t been able to get into planning mode this summer, but I didn’t do nearly as much as usual. I have worked out a daily schedule, but since we’re not starting with all our subjects this…
Web Design for Kids
I have been blogging regularly for a couple of years. I soon realized that there were times when it would be very helpful to understand the source code. I learned a little by trial and error, but I still had no idea what all the code meant. That’s why I decided to take an on-line…
Girly Do
This post is definitely a little different from the typical here, but I had to share. Thanks to Kimberly @ Raising Olives, I discovered a really neat blog called Girly Do’s By Jenn. We’ve been pretty limited with our girls’ hairstyles in this house. We have the basic ponytail, the partial ponytail and the occasional…