Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through one of these links, I will earn a small commission. When I began to research math curricula before I began homeschooling, I had two main criteria. I wanted a program that would teach math in such a way that it is understood by the student,…
Deck of Chores
I admit it. I’m a bit compulsive about housecleaning. I am really stressed out by a messy house. (If it’s my own. Please don’t not invite me to your house because you’re worried it’s too messy.) However, I am also very busy. (Isn’t everyone?) There is a tendency for the most "urgent" things to get…
Nature Study at Our House
I am always so inspired by homeschoolers who have made nature study a regular part of their education. Jimmie posts beautiful examples of their nature studies. The Handbook of Nature Study blog is the home of the outdoor challenges, which I keep thinking that someday I will do. I’ve decided that what I do with…
Strange Homeschoolers
I just read this interesting article. Do you think homeschool parents are strange? Most of the negative comments about homeschooling that I have heard are related to the kids. However, this article mentions that her husband has found that people think that they, the parents, are strange because they want to spend time with their…
To-Do Tuesday
I really think the purpose of this meme is to post a new list every week, but I am using it more as a reminder to be working on my “big” goals for the summer. Here are my updates for this week’s To-do Tuesday. Prepare for children’s consignment sale. Do ironing Catch up on regular…
Latin Curriculum Choices
If you’re a homeschooler you probably are either teaching your kids Latin, planning to teach Latin, or know someone who is teaching Latin. So what is the big deal about Latin? Why are so many people studying it? How can you teach a subject that you know nothing about? Several good reasons to study Latin…
Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions by James A. Beverly
Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions by James A. Beverly Thomas Nelson Nelson’s Illustrated Guide to Religions is a comprehensive book explaining the basic principles of 19 major religions of the world. Each of the chapters is devoted to a different religion and contains pertinent information such as the basic tenets of the religion, its founder,…
Children’s Clothing Consignment Sale
I’m working on getting all my kids’ outgrown fall and winter clothes ready to sell. I have been selling and shopping at this specific sale for 8 years now. (It’s called Weeruns and the sale owner is selling franchises if you’re looking for a home business.) There are so many things I appreciate about participating…
Books, books, everywhere
It’s summertime and we aren’t doing much in the way of schooling. So how do we satisfy our kids’ thirst for knowledge? The short answer is books. We have a home that is filled with books. Our library basket isn’t quite as full as usual. But the kids’ bookshelves have plenty. This is the foot…
Math Curriculum Guide
What do you use to teach math? What is the difference between this math and that math? How do you decide which math curriculum to choose? These are all questions that homeschoolers have to ask at some point. Though many find a math curriculum and stick with it throughout all their years of homeschooling, others…