My family loves games. I mean all of us, really love games. If you want to see how much we love games, take a peek into our game cabinet. (It’s not as neat as I would like it to be but…) We have a family game night once a week. (Usually) So why have I…
Tapestry of Grace
We decided several months ago to use Tapestry of Grace Year 1 next year. I am very excited about it. I am going to be involved in a small co-op (5 families) meeting every other week. We’ve never been in a co-op before so it will be a new experience for us. The kids are…
Nature Study by the Window
I was so excited Monday morning when I heard a flapping outside my boy’s window. I opened the shade to see… Here is the male bring more nesting material. Home sweet home. Then Monday night. Here is Mama Tuesday. On Wednesday evening, I got a peek in the nest and there are…
Creation Museum
We took our first trip to the Creation Museum on Thursday. We had been looking forward to it since we heard they were building it. It was not a disappointment. The museum was very well done. The exhibits were beautiful. It was wonderful to visit a place that is dedicated to refuting evolution. They presented so…
Pollination Notebook Page
Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase through the link, I will receive a small commission. We’ve had a nice couple of days again, so we’ve spent some time outdoors. We read about pollination in Exploring Creation with Botany. My 8 yo daughter made her notebook page outside. Here she is working…
Heat and Energy Lapbook
We completed our Heat and Energy lapbook last week. This was the first lapbook that really made sense to me. I have liked the idea of lapbooking since I heard of it about a year ago, but most of the ones we have done seemed somewhat awkward to me. I guess I’m not really a…
World War I Lapbook
We completed the World War I lapbook from Hands of a Child on Friday. I appreciated having their resource guide. I basically used their guide to teach the material. We listened to Story of the World, watched Sergeant York, and read a few supplementary books as well. This was the first HOAC lapbook that we…
World War I Lapbook
We completed the World War I lapbook from Hands of a Child on Friday. I appreciated having their resource guide. I basically used their guide to teach the material. We listened to Story of the World, watched Sergeant York, and read a few supplementary books as well. This was the first HOAC lapbook that we…
Penguin Lapbook
I started the penguin lapbook from Lapbook Lessons a couple of months ago with my K son. We did most of the books that we were going to use and then I put them in my big folder and forget to make them into a lapbook. I’m sure that never happens to anyone else 😉 Last week,…
Penguin Lapbook
I started the penguin lapbook from Lapbook Lessons a couple of months ago with my K son. We did most of the books that we were going to use and then I put them in my big folder and forget to make them into a lapbook. I’m sure that never happens to anyone else 😉 Last week,…