Today we went on our first official field trip of the school year. This year we’re going on a monthly field trip with several other local homeschool families. We don’t call it a co-op because all we do are field trips, but in a way it is one of the simplest types of homeschool co-ops…
Field Trips
One of the great advantages of homeschooling is the opportunity for field trips. We take many of our field trips when dad can come so they’re not actually during school hours, but they’re our field trips nonetheless. There are so many ways that field trips can aid in our children’s learning. Field Trips – Can…
Student Photo Week
This is week three of the “Not Back-to-School Blog Hop” at My 3 Boybarians. I cheated a little and just linked to some of my past posts for the first two weeks. Week 1 was Curriculum Week and I shared our curriculum for next year here. I shared this post for Week 2 – Schoolroom…
Homeschool Co-ops
What is a co-op exactly? Co-op is short for cooperative. I looked up cooperative on and found the following useful definitition. A jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or distribution of goods or the supplying of services, operated by its members for their mutual benefit, typically organized by consumers or farmers. So, for…
Books, books, everywhere
It’s summertime and we aren’t doing much in the way of schooling. So how do we satisfy our kids’ thirst for knowledge? The short answer is books. We have a home that is filled with books. Our library basket isn’t quite as full as usual. But the kids’ bookshelves have plenty. This is the foot…
My Favorite Geography Resource
I’m going to be honest. Geography has not been a subject that I’ve done a good job of working into our schedule. Every year I have plans to add more geography study to our days, and every year I start off strong and then let our geography studies fizzle out. My husband is a…
New York City Lapbook
Our last book club meeting of the year was yesterday. The assignment for this month was to pick any place you would like to visit and share information with the group. My daughter chose New York as her place and decided that she would like to make a lapbook and share it with the group.…
Classical Education
It’s that time of year again. No, not spring cleaning. (although I’m working on that too!) It’s the time of year where we’re winding down and I’m evaluating. What did we learn this year? What has worked well? What didn’t work? What do we need to do better next year? One of the things on…
Mystery Tracks
One of the on-going projects in Apologia Elementary Zoology 3 is to make a notebook of animal tracks. In addition, the lesson that we just finished has a project to try to collect animal tracks in your backyard using wet cement in a pan and food for bait. Hopefully, an animal will walk through the…
Homeschool Mentor Survey
I am in the process of reviewing an on-line course to teach new homeschoolers how to homeschool. This has me wondering how many people who start homeschooling have someone experienced to get advice from. I knew several homeschoolers before I began to homeschool and I went to one friend’s home and she showed me what…